Information Storage, Evolution of Storage Technology and Architecture, Data CenterInfrastructure, Key Challenges in Managing Information, Information Lifecycle Components ofStorage System Environment, Disk Drive Components, Disk Drive Performance, FundamentalLaws Governing Disk Performance, Logical Components of the Host, Application Requirementsand Disk Performance.
Implementation of RAID, RAID Array Components, RAID Levels, RAID Comparison, RAIDImpact on Disk Performance, Hot Spares Components of an Intelligent Storage System,Intelligent Storage Array
Types of DAS, DAS Benefits and Limitations, Disk Drive Interfaces, Introduction to ParallelSCSI, Overview of Fibre Channel, The SAN and Its Evolution, Components of SAN, FCConnectivity, Fibre Channel Ports, Fibre Channel Architecture, Zoning, Fibre Channel LoginTypes, FC Topologies.
General – Purpose Service vs. NAS Devices, Benefits of NAS, NAS File I / O, Components ofNAS, NAS Implementations, NAS File-Sharing Protocols, NAS I/O Operations, FactorsAffecting NAS Performance and Availability. iSCSI, FCIP.
Fixed Content and Archives, Types of Archive, Features and Benefits of CAS, CASArchitecture, Object Storage and Retrieval in CAS, CAS Examples. Forms of Virtualization,SNIA Storage Virtualization Taxonomy, Storage Virtualizations Configurations, StorageVirtualization Challenges, Types of Storage Virtualization,
Information Availability, BC Terminology, BC Planning Lifecycle, Failure Analysis, BusinessImpact Analysis, BC Technology Solutions. Backup Purpose, Backup Considerations, BackupGranularity, Recovery Considerations, Backup Methods, Backup Process, Backup and restoreOperations, Backup Topologies, Backup in NAS Environments, Backup Technologies.
Source and Target, Uses of Local Replicas, Data Consistency, Local Replication Technologies,Restore and Restart Considerations, Creating Multiple Replicas, Management Interface, Modesof Remote Replication, Remote Replication Technologies, Network Infrastructure.
Storage Security Framework, Risk Triad, Storage Security Domains, Security Implementationsin Storage Networking Monitoring the Storage Infrastructure, Storage Management Activities,Storage Infrastructure Management Challenges, Developing an Ideal Solution.