13MCA56 Software Design Laboratory syllabus for MCA

Unit-1 42 hours

The student has to draw the necessary UML diagrams using any suitable UML DrawingTool and implement in Java OR C++ OR C# a program to demonstrate the Design Patternspecified by the Examiner. For Analysis and Design models, diagrams such as Use-case,Class Diagram, Sequence/Collaboration Diagram Should be drawn with suitable scenario,activity diagram, component diagram & deployment diagram.

The Design Pattern is allotted based on lots from the following list:

1) Expert
2) Controller
3) Publisher-Subscriber
4) Command
5) Forward-Receive
6) Client-Dispatcher
7) Proxy
8) Façade
9) Polymorphism
10) Whole-Part
11) Master-Slave

Note: Any Supporting Tool may be used.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023

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