1. Write a Program in C# to demonstrate Command line arguments processing.2. Write a Program in C# to demonstrate boxing and Unboxing.3. Write a program to demonstrate Operator overloading.4. Find the sum of all the elements present in a jagged array of 3 inner arrays.5. Using Try, Catch and Finally blocks write a program in C# to demonstrate error handling.6. Demonstrate Use of Virtual and override key words in C# with a simple program.7. Write a program to demonstrate delegates.8. Write a program to demonstrate abstract class and abstract methods in C#.9. Write a program to illustrate the use of different properties in C#.10. Demonstrate arrays of interface types (for runtime polymorphism) with a C# program.
1. Consider the Database STUDENT consisting of following tables: tbl_Course (CourseID:int, CourseName: string) tbl_Student (USN: string, StudName: string, Address: string,CourseID: int, YrOfAdmsn: int)Develop suitable windows application using C#.NET having following options:1. Entering new course details.2. Entering new student details.3. Display the details of students (in a Grid) who belong to a particular course.4. Display the details the students who have taken admission in a particular year.
2. Consider the Database BLOODBANK consisting of following tables: tbl_BloodGroup (BloodID: int, BloodGroup: string) tbl_Donor (DonorID: int, DonorName: stirng, Address:string, ContactNo: int, DOB: date, Gender: string, Weight: int, BloodID: int)Develop suitable windows application using C#.NET having following options:1. Entering Blood group details.2. Entering new donor details.3. Display the details of donors (in a Grid) having particular blood group.4. Display the details of donors (in a Grid) based on gender.5. Display the details of donors (in a Grid) based on age (above 18), weight (above 45KG) andGender(user’s choice).
3. Consider the Database STUDENT consisting of following tables: tbl_Course (CourseID:int, CourseName: string) tbl_Book (BookID :int, BookTitle: string, Author: string,CourseID: int) tbl_Student (USN: string, StudName: string, CourseID: int)tbl_BookIssue(USN: string, BookID: int, IssueDate: Date)Develop suitable windows application using C#.NET having following options:1. New Course Entry.2. New Book Entry3. New Student Entry4. Issue of books to a student.5. Generate report (display in a grid) showing all the books belonging to particular course.6. Generate report (display in a grid) showing all the books issued on a particular date.7. Generate report (display in a grid) showing all the books issued to a particular student.
4. Develop a Web Application using C#.NET and ASP.NET for an educational institution.The master page should consist of Institution Name, Logo and Address. Also, it shouldprovide hyperlinks to Departments, Facilities Available and Feedback. Each departmentpage and facilities page should be designed as static pages. The hyperlinks should navigateto these static pages in the form of Content Pages associated with Master Page designed.The Feedback page should have fields to enter Name, Email and Message with Submit andCancel Buttons. Database should be created to store these three data.
5. Develop a Web Application using C#.NET and ASP.NET for a Bank. The BANKDatabase should consist of following tables: tbl_Bank (BankID: int, BankName: string)tbl_Branch (BranchID: int, BankID: int, BranchName: string) tbl_Account (AccountNo:int, BankID: int, BranchID: int, CustomerName: string, Address: string, ContactNo: int,Balance: real) (Note: AccountNo and BankID together is a composite primary key).
The master page of this web application should contain hyperlinks to New Bank Entry,New Branch Entry (of selected Bank), New Customer Entry (based on branch and bank) andReport Generation. The hyperlinks should navigate to respective content pages. Thesecontent pages provide the fields for respective data entry. The reports should be generated(display in grid) as below:1. Display all records of particular bank.2. Display all records of a branch of particular bank.3. The balance should be displayed for the entered account number (Bank and Branchare input through ComboBox controls and Account number is input through TextBox).Note:1. Students are required to execute one question from Part A and one from Part B.2. Part A has to be evaluated for 20 marks and Part B has to be evaluated for 30 marks