16MCA11 Data structures using C syllabus for MCA

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Overview of C 10 hours

Input and output statements –
scanf, getchar, gets, printf, putchar, puts; ControlStatements – if, else-if, switch, Control Structures – while, for, do-while, break andcontinue, goto.

Categories of functions, Call by Value, Call by reference.

Definition, Representation, Single dimension, Two dimensional, MultidimensionalArrays, Passing arrays to functions, passing strings to functions

Module-2 Pointers 10 hours

Pointer Expression, Pointer as function arguments, Functions returningpointers,Pointers to functions,
Declaring and using structure types.
Classification of Data Structures:
Primitive and Non- Primitive, Linear and Nonlinear;Data structure Operations, ADT, Array as ADT, Operations - Insert, Delete, Search,Sort,
Definition, Representation, String as ADT, Operations – Insert, Delete,Concatenate, Comparing, Substring.

Module-3 Classification of Data Structures: 10 hours

Classification of Data Structures:
Primitive and Non- Primitive, Linear and Nonlinear;Data structure Operations,

Definition, Representation, Stack as ADT,Operations and Applications: Polish and reverse polish expressions, Infix to postfixconversion, evaluation of postfix expression, infix to prefix, postfix to infixconversion; Recursion - Factorial, GCD, Fibonacci Sequence, Tower of Hanoi

Definition, Representation, Queue as ADT, Operations, Queue Variants: CircularQueue, Priority Queue, Double Ended Queue; Applications of Queues. ProgrammingExamples.

Module-4 Linked List 10 hours

Linked List:
Limitations of array implementation,
Memory Management:
Static(Stack) and Dynamic (Heap) Memory Allocation, Memory management functions.Definition, Representation, Operations: getnode() and Freenode() operations,
Singly Linked List. Linked list as a data Structure, Inserting and removing nodes froma list, Linked implementations of stacks, Example of list operations such as insert anddelete an element before a key element, Header nodes,

Array implementation oflists.: Circular Linked List:
Inserting, deleting and searching elements in a lists,
Double Linked List:
Inserting and Deleting Nodes, Queue as doubly linked lists, suchas insert into position, Delete an specified element
. Application of Linked Lists:
Stacks, Queues, Double-ended Queues, Priority Queues, Sparse Matrix andPolynomials using Lists, Trees, BST.

Module-5 Trees 10 hours

Definitions, Terminologies, Array and linked Representation of Binary Trees,Types- Complete/full, Almost Complete, Strictly, Skewed; Traversal methods -Inorder, postorder, preorder; Binary Search Trees - Creation, Insertion, Deletion,Traversal, Searching. Sorting & Searching:
Bubble sort, Insertion Sort, Selection sort,Quick sort, Linear Search, Binary Search and BST. Hashing:
The Hash Tableorganizations, Hashing Functions, Static and Dynamic Hashing, Collision-ResolutionTechniques, Programming Examples.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023