16MCA16 Data structures using C Laboratory syllabus for MCA

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Laboratory Experiments: 0 hours

1. Write a menu driven Program in C for the following Array operations

a. Creating an Array of N Integer Elements
b. Display the Array Elements
c. Inserting an Element at a given valid Position
d. Deleting an Element at a given valid Position
e. Exit.

Module-2 Laboratory Experiments: 0 hours

2. Write a C program to Implement the following searching techniques

a. Linear Search
b. Binary Search

Module-3 Laboratory Experiments: 0 hours

3. Write a C program to implement the following sorting algorithms using user defined functions:
a. Bubble sort (Ascending order)
b. Selection sort (Descending order)

Module-4 Laboratory Experiments: 0 hours

4. Write a Program in C for the following String operations (without using built-in functions)
a. Read a main String (STR), a Pattern String (PAT) and a Replace String (REP)
b. Perform Pattern Matching Operation: Find and Replace all occurrences of PAT in STRwith REP if PAT exists in STR. Report suitable messages in case PAT does not existinSTR Support the program with functions for each of the above operations.

Module-5 Laboratory Experiments: 0 hours

5. Write a C Program to create a class called STACK to store Integers for the following operations(Array Implementation of Stack with maximum size MAX)

a. Push an Element on to Stack
b. Pop an Element from Stack
c. Demonstrate Overflow and Underflow situations on Stack
d. Display the status of Stack
e. Exit

Module-6 Laboratory Experiments: 0 hours

6. Implement a Program in C for converting an Infix Expression to Postfix Expression.

Module-7 Laboratory Experiments: 0 hours

7. Implement a Program in C for evaluating an Postfix Expression

Module-8 Laboratory Experiments: 0 hours

8. Write a C program to implement the following using recursion
a. Sum of n numbers
b. Generate Fibonacci sequence
c. Solve Towers of Hanoi Problem

Module-9 Laboratory Experiments: 0 hours

9. Implement a menu driven Program in C for the following operations on Circular QUEUE ofIntegers (Array Implementation of Queue with maximum size MAX)

a. Insert an Element on to Circular QUEUE
b. Delete an Element from Circular QUEUE
c. Demonstrate Overflow and Underflow situations on Circular QUEUE
d. Display the status of Circular QUEUE
e. Exit

Module-10 Laboratory Experiments: 0 hours

10. Write a program to Simulate the working of a dequeue

Module-11 Laboratory Experiments: 0 hours

11. Implement a menu driven Program in C for the following operations on Singly Linked List (SLL) ofStudent Data with the fields: USN, Name, Branch, Sem

a. Create a SLL of N Students Data.
b. Display the status of SLL and count the number of nodes.
c. Perform Insertion at the beginning /end of SLL.
d. Perform Deletion at the beginning /end of SLL.
e. Exit.

Module-12 Laboratory Experiments: 0 hours

12. Write a program to Simulate the working of a Singly circular linked list providing thefollowing operations

a. Delete from the beginning/end
b. Delete a given element
c. Display &Insert is mandatory

Module-13 Laboratory Experiments: 0 hours

13. Write a C Program using Doubly Linked List to Implement Stack operations to store Integers

a. Push an Element on to Stack
b. Pop an Element from Stack
d. Demonstrate Overflow and Underflow situations on Stack
e. Display the status of Stack
f. Exit

Module-14 Laboratory Experiments: 0 hours

14. Implement a menu driven Program in C for the following operations on Binary Tree of Integers
a. Create a BST of N Integers
b. Traverse the BST in Inorder, Preorder and Post Order
c. Search the BST for a given element and report the appropriate message
d. Delete an element from BST
e. Exit

Note 1: In the practical Examination each student has to pick one question froma lot of all 14

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023