Getting started with .NET Framework 4.0 and C#
Understanding Previous Technologies, Benefits of .NET Framework, Architecture of .NET Framework 4.0,.NET Execution Engine, Components of .NET Framework 4.0: CLR, CTS, Metadata and Assemblies, .NET Framework Class Library, Windows Forms, ASP .NET and ASP .NET AJAX, ADO .NET, Windows workflow Foundation, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Communication Foundation, Widows Card Space and LINQ.
Introducing C#
Creating a Simple C# Console Application, Identifiers and Keywords. System Data Types, Variables and Constants: Value Types, Reference Types, Understanding Type Conversions, Boxing and UnBoxing. Namespaces, The System namespace, .NET Array Types
Classes, Objects and Object Oriented Programming
Classes and Objects: Creating a Class, Creating an Object, Using this Keyword, Creating an Array of Objects, Using the Nested Classes, Defining Partial Classes and Method, Returning a Value from a Method and Describing Access Modifiers. Static Classes and StaticMembers, Properties: Read-only Property, Static Property, Indexers, Structs: Syntax of a struct and Access Modifiers for structs, System.Object Class.
Encapsulation using accessors and mutators, Encapsulation using Properties. Inheritance: Inheritance and Constructors, Sealed Classes and Sealed Methods, Extension methods.
Compile time Polymorphism/ Overloading, Runtime Polymorphism/ Overriding. Abstraction: Abstract classes, Abstract methods. Interfaces: Syntax of Interfaces, Implementation of Interfaces and Inheritance.
Delegates, Events, Exception Handling and ADO.NET
Creating and using Delegates, Muticasting with Delegates. Events: Event Sources, Event Handlers, Events and Delegates, Multiple Event Handlers.
Exception Handling:
The try/catch/throw/finally statement, Custom Exception.System.Exception, Handling Multiple Exception
Data Access with ADO.NET:
Understanding ADO.NET: Describing the Architecture of ADO.NET, ADO.NET,ADO.NET Entity Framework. Creating Connection Strings: Syntax for Connection Strings.Creating a Connection to a Database: SQL Server Database, OLEDB Database, ODBC Data Source. Creating a Command Object. Working with DataAdapters: Creating DataSet from DataAdapter.
Graphical User Interface with Windows Forms and WPF
Windows Forms:
Introduction, Windows Forms, Event Handling: A Simple Event- Driven GUI, Control Properties and Layout, Labels, TextBoxes and Buttons, GroupBoxes and Panels, CheckBoxes and RadioButtons, ToolTips, Mouse-Event Handling, Keyboard-Event Handling. Menus, Month Calendar Control, LinkLabel Control, ListBox Control, ComboBox Control, TreeView Control, ListView Control, TabControl and Multiple Document Interface (MDI) Windows.
New WPF Controls, WPF Architecture: Presentation Framework, Presentation Core, WindowsBase, MIL or Milcore, Working with WPF Windows: Using XAML in WPF 4.0 Applications : Contents of XAML and WPF Applications: XAML Elements Namespace and XAML, XAML Property Syntax, Markup Extensions.
Web App Development and Data Access using ADO.NET
Introduction, Web Basics, Multitier Application Architecture, Your First Web Application: Building Web-Time Application, Examining Web-Time.aspx’s Code- Behind File, Understanding Master pages, Standard Web Controls: Designing a Form, Validation Controls, GridView Control, DropDownList, Session Tracking, ASP.NET
Exploring AJAX,Need for AJAX, AJAX and other Technologies, AJAX Server Controls, ScriptManager control, Update Panel, UpdateProgress Control, Creating Simple Application using AJAX Server Controls.
Course Outcomes (CO):
At the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1: Understand C# and client-server concepts using .Net Frame Work Components.
CO2: Apply delegates, event and exception handling to incorporate with ASP, Win Form, ADO.NET.
CO3: Analyze the use of .Net Components depending on the problem statement.
CO4: Implement & develop a web based and Console based application with Database connectivity
Question paper pattern:
Text Books:
1. .NET 4.0 Programming (6-in-1), Black Book, Kogent Learning Solutions Inc., Wiley- Dream Tech Press. (Chapters: 1,10,11,12,13,14 and 19).
2. Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel: C# 2010 for Programmers, 4th Edition, Pearson Education. (Chapters: 14,15,19 and 27.3)
Reference Books:
1. Andrew Trolsen: Pro C# 5.0 and the .NET 4.5 Framework, 6th Edition, Wiley-Appress.
2. Bart De Smet: C# 4.0 Unleashed, Pearson Education- SAMS Series.
3. Herbert Schildt: Complete Reference C# 4.0, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.