Rich Internet Applications With Ajax:
Limitations of Classic Web application model, AJAX principles, Technologies behind AJAX, Examples of usage of AJAX; Asynchronous communication and AJAX application model.
Ajax with XMLHTTP object: Part 1
Creating Ajax Applications: An example, Analysis of example ajax.html, Creating the JavaScript, Creating and opening the XMLHttpRequest object, Data download, Displaying the fetched data, Connecting to the server, Adding Server-side programming, Sending data to the server using GET and POST. Module
Ajax with XMLHTTP object: Part 2
Handling multiple XMLHttpRequest objects in the same page, Using two XMLHttpRequest objects, Using an array of XMLHttpRequest objects, Using inner functions, Downloading JavaScript, connecting to Google Suggest, Creating google.php, Downloading from other domains with Ajax, HTML header request and Ajax, Defeating caching, Examples.
Working with XML DOM in Ajax
Building XML and working with XML in JavaScript, Getting the document element, Accessing any XML element, Handling whitespace in Firefox, Handling cross-browser whitespace, Accessing XML data directly, Validating XML, Further examples of Rich Internet Applications with Ajax.
Working with PHP and Ajax
Working with PHP server variables, Getting the data in to array format, Wrapping applications in to a single PHP page, Validating input from the user, Validating integers and text, DOM, Appending new elements to a web page using the DOM and Ajax, Replacing elements using the DOM, Handling timeouts in Ajax, Downloading images with Ajax, Example programs.
Introduction to Bootstrap.
What Is Bootstrap? Bootstrap File Structure, Basic HTML Template, Global Styles, Default Grid System, Basic Grid HTML, Offsetting Columns, Nesting Columns, Fluid Grid System, Container Layouts, Responsive Design. Typography, Emphasis Classes, Lists, Code, Tables, Optional Table Classes, Table Row Classes, Forms, Buttons, Images, Icons.
Bootstrap Layout components
Dropdown Menus, Button Groups, Button Groups as Radio Buttons and Checkboxes, Buttons with Dropdowns, Split Button Dropdowns, Dropup Menus, Navigation Elements, Tabular Navigation, Basic Pills Navigation, Stackable Navigation, Dropdowns, Navigation Lists, Tabbable Navigation, Navbar, Forms, Navbar Menu Variations, Breadcrumbs, Pagination, Pager, Labels, Badges, Typographic Elements.
Bootstrap Javascript Plugins
Programmatic API, Transitions, Modal, Dropdown, Dropdown Usage via JavaScript, Scrollspy, Toggleable Tabs, Tooltips, Popover, Alerts, Buttons, Collapse, Carousel, Typeahead, Affix.
Course Outcomes(CO):
At the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1: Understand the rich internet concepts and applications.
CO2: Analyze the working of development models in web designing.
CO3: Illustrate appropriate component lifecycle techniques using frameworks.
CO4: Evaluate and implement state based systems using data models and data binding
Question paper pattern:
Text Books:
1. Professional AJAX – Nicholas C Zakas et al, Wrox publications, 2008.
2. Steven Holzner: Ajax: A Beginner’s Guide, Tata McGraw Hill, 2014.
3. Jake Spurlock: "Bootstrap: Responsive Web Development", O'Reilly Media, 2014.
Reference Books:
1. Thomas A. Powel: Ajax The Complete reference, McGraw Hill,2008.
2. AravindShenoy, Ulrich Sossou: Learning Bootstrap, Packt, Dec 2014.
3. Dana Moore, Raymond Budd, Edward Benson: Professional Rich Internet Applications: AJAX and Beyond, Wiley 2012.