Service Oriented Architecture
Fundamentals of SOA, Common characteristics of contemporary SOA, Common tangible benefits of SOA, A SOA timeline (from XML to Web Services to SOA)
Evolution of SOA
The continuing evolution of SOA (standards organizations and Contributing vendors), The roots of SOA (comparing SOA to Past Architectures)
Web Services and Primitives of SOA
The Web Services framework, Services (as Web Services), Service Description (with WSDL), Messaging (with SOAP)
Web Services and Contemporary SOA Part 1
Message Exchange patterns, Service Activity; Coordination, Atomic Transactions, Business Activities, Orchestration, Choreography.
Web Services and Contemporary SOA Part 2
Addressing, Reliable Messaging, Correlation, Policies, Meta data Exchange, Security, Notification and eventing.
Principles of Service – Orientation
Services- Orientation and the enterprise, Anatomy of service-oriented Architecture, Common Principles of Service Orientation; How Service Orientation principles interrelate, Service Orientation and object orientation, Native Web Service support for service orientation principles.
Service Layers
Service Orientation and contemporary SOA, Service Layer Abstraction, Application service layer, Business Service Layer, Orchestration Service Layer, Agnostic Services, Service Layer Configuration scenarios.
Business Process Design
WS-BPEL Language basics, WS-Coordination overview, Service oriented business process redesign, WS-Addressing language basics, WS-Reliable messaging language basics.
Enterprise Applications
Learning Objectives, Architectural Considerations, Solution Architecture for Enterprise Applications, Solution Architecture for Enterprise Applications based on SOA, Software Platforms for Enterprise Applications.
Course Outcomes (CO):
At the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1: Describe about evolution, characteristics and services in SOA with SOA architecture, WSDL, SOAP and UDDI.
CO2: Analyze the SOA Architectural style, SOA strategies, modeling web services.
CO3: Design, implementing process of SOA in web service.
CO4: Apply the SOA operational style for the web services.
Question paper pattern:
Text Books:
1.Thomas Erl: Service Oriented Architecture- Concepts, Technology and Design, Pearson Education, 2013. (listed topics only from Chapters 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,16,17)
2. Shankar Khambhapaty, Service Oriented Architecture for Enterprise and Cloud Applications, 2nd Edition, Wiley-India, 2012.(listed topics only from Chapter 5,6)
Reference Books:
1. Frank cohen: FastSOA, Elsevier, 2010
2. Eric Newcomer, Greg Lomow: Understanding SOA with Web Services,Pearson Education, 2009.