17MCA58 Mini Project : Mobile Applications Development using Android/iOS/Windows etc. syllabus for MCA

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Laboratory Programs: 42 hours

Laboratory Programs:

The laboratory can be carried out only using any mobile application software.


1. Students are required to execute one question from Part A and give demo from Part B.

2. Part A has to be evaluated for 40 marks and Part B has to be evaluated for 40 marks along with the report.

3. The project should be carried out with a team strength of maximum two.

4. Students are expected to work for mini project apart from lab hours also with the contact of guides.



1. Design an application that contains Phone Contacts in vertical linear manner. Selected contact appears at the top of the list with a large italicized font and a blue background.

2. Create an application that uses Layout Managers and Event Listeners.

3. Develop a standard calculator application to perform basic calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

4. Devise an application that draws basic graphical primitives (rectangle, circle) on the screen.

5. Build an mobile application that create, save, update and delete data in a database.

6. Devise an application that implements Multi threading.

7. Develop a mobile application that uses GPS location information.

8. Create an application that writes data to the SD card.

9. Implement an application that creates an alert upon receiving a message.

10. Devise a mobile application that creates alarm clock.



Mini-Project Students should be able to build a complete mobile app using multiple features learnt in Part – A with user interfaces and database connectivity. The team must submit a brief project report (25-30 pages) that must include the following

a. Introduction

b. Requirement Analysis

c. Software Requirement Specification

d. Analysis and Design

e. Implementation

f. Testing

The report must be evaluated for 10 Marks. Demonstration and Viva for 30 Marks.


Course outcomes:

At the end of this course, the students will be able to

  • Illustrate effective user interfaces that leverage evolving mobile device capabilities
  • Develop applications using software development kits (SDKs), frameworks and toolkits
  • Establish various methods to integrate database and server-side technologies
  • Design and develop open source software based mobile applications
  • Build and deploy competent mobile development solutions
Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023