18MCA11 Object Oriented Programming with C++ syllabus for MCA

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Introduction to OOPs 0 hours

Introduction to OOPs: What Is Object-Oriented Programming? , Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Inheritance.

C++ Overview: The Origins of C++,The General Form of a C++ Program, different data types, operators, expressions, arrays and strings, reference variables.Function Components, argument passing, inline functions, function overloading, function templates.

Module-2 Classes & Objects 0 hours

Classes & Objects: Introduction, Class Specification, Class Objects, access members, defining member functions, data hiding, constructors, destructors, parameterized constructors, static data members, static member functions, scope resolution operator, Passing Objects to Functions, Returning Objects, Object Assignment.

Pointers and dynamic memory allocation: Pointers, Pointer as function arguments, Dynamic Allocation Operators new and delete, Initializing Allocated Memory, Allocating Arrays, Allocating Objects

Module-3 Operator overloading 0 hours

Operator overloading: Operator overloading as member functions and using friend functions. Overloading of binary operators like +, -, *.Creating Prefix and Postfix forms of ++, -- Operators, Operator Overloading Restrictions, Operator Overloading Using a Friend Function to Overload ++ or – –, Overloading ( ).

Inheritance: Base Class, Inheritance & protected members, protected base class inheritance, inheriting multiple base classes, Constructors, Destructors & Inheritance. Passing parameters to base Class Constructors, Granting access, Virtual base classes.

Module-4 Virtual Functions and Runtime Polymorphism 0 hours

Virtual Functions and Runtime Polymorphism: Virtual function -Calling a Virtual function through a base class reference, Virtual attribute is inherited, Virtual functions are hierarchical, pure virtual functions, abstract classes, using Virtual functions, Early & late binding.

Standard C++ I/O Classes:Old vs. Modern C++ I/O, C++ Streams, The C++ Stream Classes, C++'s Predefined Streams, Formatted I/O, Formatting Using the ios Members, Setting the Format Flags, Clearing Format Flags, Overloading << and >>, manipulators

Module-5 Exception Handling 0 hours

Exception Handling: Exception Handling, Fundamentals, Catching Class Types, Using Multiple catch Statements, Handling Derived-Class Exceptions, Exception Handling Options, Catching All Exceptions, Restricting Exceptions, Rethrowing an Exception, Understanding terminate( ) and unexpected( ), uncaught_exception( ) Function, The exception and bad_exception Classes, Applying Exception Handling.

STL: Class template, An overview of STL, containers, vectors

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023