Java Programming Fundamentals
The Java Language, The Key Attributes of Object-Oriented Programming, The Java Development Kit, A First Simple Program, The Java Keywords, Identifies in Java.
Introducing Data Types and Operators
Java's Primitive Types, Literals, A Closer Look at Variables, The Scope and Lifetime of Variables, operators, Shorthand Assignments, Type conversion in Assignments, Operator Precedence.
Program Control Statements
Input characters from the Keyword, Use break, Use continue,
Introduction to Classes, Objects and Methods
Class Fundamentals, How Objects are Created, Reference Variables and Assignment, Methods, Constructors, Parameterized Constructors, The new operator Revisited, Garbage Collection and Finalizers, The this Keyword.
More Data Types and Operators
Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays, Alternative Array Declaration Syntax, Assigning Array References, Using the Length Member, The For-Each Style for Loop, Strings.
String Handling
String Fundamentals, The String Constructors, Three String-Related Language Features, The Length() Method, Obtaining the characters within a string, String comparison, using indexOf() and last IndexOf(), Changing the case of characters within a string, String Buffer and String Builder.
A Closer Look at Methods and Classes
Controlling Access to Class Members, Method Overloading, Overloading Constructors, Recursion, Understanding Static, Introducing Nested and Inner Classes, Varargs: Variable-Length Arguments.
Inheritance Basics, Member Access and Inheritance, Constructors and Inheritance, Using super to Call Super class constructors, Using super to Access Super class Members, Creating a Multilevel Hierarchy, When are Constructors Executed, Superclass References and Subclass Objects, Method Overriding, Overridden Methods support polymorphism, Why Overridden Methods, Using Abstract Classes, Using final,The Object Class.
Interface Fundamentals, Creating an Interface, Implementing an Interface, Using Interface References, Implementing Multiple Interfaces, Constants in Interfaces, Interfaces can be extended, Nested Interfaces
Package Fundamentals, Packages and Member Access, Importing Packages, Static Import
Exception Handling
The Exception Hierarchy, Exception Handling Fundamentals, The Consequences of an Uncaught Exception, using Multiple catch clauses, Catching subclass Exceptions, try blocks can be nested, Throwing an Exception, A Closer look at Throwable, using finally, usingthrows, Java'sBuilt-inExceptions,
Multithreaded Programming
Multithreading fundamentals The Thread Class and Runnable Interface, Creating Thread, Creating Multiple Threads, Determining When a Thread Ends, Thread Priorities, Synchronization, using Synchronization Methods, The Synchronized Statement , Thread Communication using notify(), wait() and notifyAll(), suspending, Resuming and stopping Threads.
Enumerations, Auto boxing
Enumerations, Java Enumeration are class types, TheValues() and Valueof() Methods, Constructors, methods, instance variables and enumerations, Autoboxing, Annotations (metadata)
Networking with
Networking fundamentals, The Networking classes and Interfaces, The Inet Address class, The Socket Class, The URL class, The URL Connection Class, The Http URL Connection Class.
Exploring Collection Framework
Collections Overview, The Collection Interfaces, The collection Classes. TheArrays Class.
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have tenquestions.
• Each full question will be for20 marks
• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each Module.
• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a Module.
• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each MODULE
1. Java Fundamentals, A comprehensive Introduction by Herbert Schildt, Dale Skrien. Tata McGraw Hill Edition 2013. (Chapters: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15,22,23,24,25,26)
Reference Books:
1. Java Programming by Hari Mohan Pandey, Pearson Education, 2012.
2. Java 6 Programming, Black Book, KoGenT, Dreamtech Press, 2012.
3. Java 2 Essentials, Cay Hortsmann, second edition, Wiley