18MCA25 Operating Systems syllabus for MCA

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Computer and Operating Systems Structure 0 hours

Computer and Operating Systems Structure

Basic Elements, Processor Registers, Instruction Execution, The Memory hierarchy, Cache Memory, VOCommunication Techniques, Introduction to Operating System, Mainframe Systems, Desktop Systems, Multiprocessor Systems, Distributed Systems, Clustered Systems, Real - Time Systems, Handheld Systems, Feature Migration, Computing Environments. System Structures: System Components, Operating - System Services, System Calls, System Programs , System Structure, VIrtual Machines, System Design and Implementation, System Generation

Module-2 Process Management and Mutual Execution 0 hours

Process Management and Mutual Execution

Process, Process States, Process Description, Process Control, Execution of the Operating System, Security Issues, Processes and Threads, Symmetric Multiprocessing(SMP), Micro kernels, CPU Scheduler and Scheduling. Principles of Concurrency, Mutual Exclusion : Hardware Support, Semaphores , Monitors , Message Passing, Readers/Writes Problem.

Module-3 Deadlock and Memory Management 0 hours

Deadlock and Memory Management

Principles ofDeadloc Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Detection, An Integrated Deadlock Strategy, Dining Philosophers Problem. Memory Management: Swapping, Contiguous Memory Allocation, Paging, Segmentation, Segmentation with Paging, Demand Paging, Process Creation, Page Replacement, Allocation ofFrames, Thrashing

Module-4 File System and Secondary Storage 0 hours

File System and Secondary Storage

File Concept, Access Methods, Directory Structure, File System Mounting, File Sharing, Protection, File -System Structure, File - System Implementation, Directory Implementation, Allocation Methods, Free-Space Management, Disk Structure, Disk Scheduling, Disk Management.

Module-5 Computer Security and Case study of Linux Operating system 0 hours

Computer Security and Case study of Linux Operating system

The Security Problem, User Authentication, Program Threats, System Threats. Linux System Linux history , Design Principles, Kernel modules, Process , management, scheduling, Memory management, File systems, Input and output, Inter-process communications


Question paper pattern:

• The question paper will have ten questions.

• Each full question willbe for 20 marks.

• There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each Module.

• Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a Module.

• The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each MODULE



1. Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne, "Operating System Concepts" JohnWiley, Sixth Edition, 2004.

2. William Stallings, "Operating System lntern.als and Design Principles" Pearson, 6thedition, 2012


Reference Books:

1. Chakraborty , "Operating Systems" Jaico Publishing House, 2011.

2. DhananjayM. Dhamdhere, "Operating Systems-AConcept- BasedApproach", Tata McGraw- Hill, 3rd Edition, 2012.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023