18MCA27 Data Structures Lab syllabus for MCA

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Lab Exercises 0 hours

Course Outcome (CO):

The students will be able to

C0l:Acquire knowledge of -Various types of data structures, operations and algorithms - Sorting and searching operations

C02:Analyze the performance of - Stack, Queue, Lists, Trees, Hashing, Searching and Sorting techniques

C03: Implement all the applications of Data structures in a high- level language

C04: Design and apply appropriate data structures for solving computing problems


Lab Exercises:

1. Convert a infix notation to postfix notation.


2. Evaluate a given postfix expression and its values for the variables.


3. Simulate the working of circular queue providing the following operations-Insert,Delete and Display.


4. Demonstrate recursion

a. Calculate GCD and LCM of 3 integer numbers

b. Solve Towers of Hanoi Problem

c.Calculate the sum for a given number 'n'from 1 to n.


5. Simulate the working of a linked list providing the following operations

a. Insert atthe beginning

b. Insert atthe end

c. Insert before a given element

d. Insert atthe position

e. Display


6. Simulate the working of a circular linked list providing the following operations

a. Delete from the beginning

b. Delete from the end

c. Delete a given element

d. Delete every alternate element

e. Display


7. Simulate the working of adequeue.


8. Simulate the working of a double linked list to implement stack and queue.


9. Create abinary tree and implement the tree traversal techniques ofinorder, preorder and postorder.


10. Implementquicksort.


11. Implement aprogram to merge two doubly linked list.


12. Implement the searchtechniques of

a. Linear Search

b. Binary Search


Note 1: In the practical Examination student has to execute one program from alot of all the 12 questions.

Note 2: Change of program is not permitted in the Practical Examination.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023