18MCA29 Mini Project syllabus for MCA

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Mini project 0 hours

Course Learning Objectives:

This course (18MCA29) will enable students to:

• Acquire practical knowledge within the chosen area of technology forproject development

• Identify, analyze, formulate and handle programming projects with a comprehensive and systematic approach

• Contribute as an individual or in a team in development of technical projects

• Develop effective communication skills for presentation of project related activities


Course outcomes:

At the end ofthis course, the students will be able to

C0l: Identify a suitable problem making use of the technical and engineering knowledge gained from previous courses with the awareness of impact of technology on the society and their ethical responsibilities.

C02: Ability to segregate work and execute/implement projects using appropriate tools.

C03: Develop skills to disseminate technical and general information by means of oral as well aswritten presentation skills. Develop an application using the languages and concepts learnt inthe theory and exercises listed in I and II semester with a good look and feel effects.


Note :

1. In the examination student has to demonstrate the project.

2. A team of maximum two students must develop the project. However during the examination, each student must demonstrate the project individually.

3. The team must submit a brief project report (20-30 pages) that must include the following

a. Introduction

b. RequirementAnalysis

c. Software Requirement Specification

d.Analysis and Design

e. Implementation


g. Conclusion

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023