Stresses in curved beams of standard cross sections used in crane hook, punching presses & clamps, closed rings and links.
Review of Lame’s Equations; compound cylinders, stresses due to different types of fits, cylinder heads, flats.
Types of springs - stresses in Helical coil springs of circular and non-circular cross sections. Tension and compression springs, springs under fluctuating loads, – Energy stored in springs, Torsion, Belleville and Rubber springs. Leaf Springs: Stresses in leaf springs. Equalized stresses,
Spur Gears: Definitions, stresses in gear tooth: Lewis equation and form factor, Design for strength, Dynamic load and wear load. Helical Gears: Definitions, formative number of teeth, Design based on strength, dynamic and wear loads.
Bevel Gears: Definitions, formative number of teeth, Design based on strength, dynamic and wear loads. Worm Gears: Definitions, Design based on strength, dynamic, wear loads and efficiency of worm gear drives.
Design of Clutches: Single plate, multi plate and cone clutches. Design of Brakes: Block and Band brakes: Self locking of brakes: Heat generation in Brakes.
Lubricants and their properties, Mechanisms of Lubrication, Bearing modulus, coefficient of friction, minimum oil film thickness, Heat Generated, Heat dissipated, Bearing Materials, Examples of journal bearing and thrust bearing design.
Flat belts: Length & cross section, Selection of V-belts, ropes and chains for different applications.