Concept of stress, stress transformation laws, spherical and deviator stress tensors, equilibrium equations, octahedral stresses, concept of strain, deviator and spherical strain tensors, strain transformation laws, octahedral strains, generalized Hooke’s law, elastic strain energy, compatibility equations, theories of strength. problems.
Crystalline structure in metals, mechanism of plastic deformation, factors affecting plastic deformation, strain hardening, recovery, recrystallization and grain growth, flow figures or luder’s cubes.
Strain tensor, principal strain, plane strain, spherical and deviator strain, octahedral strain and representative strain, problems.
Introduction, types of materials, empirical equations, theories of plastic flow, experimental verification of St.Venant’s theory of plastic flow, the concept of plastic potential, the maximum work hypothesis, mechanical work for deforming a plastic substance.
Introduction, yield or plasticity conditions, Von Mises and Tresca criteria, Geometrical representation, yield surface, yield locus (two dimensional stress space), experimental evidence for yield criteria, energy required to change the shape with basic principle problems
Introduction, basic equations for incompressible two dimensional flow, continuity equations, stresses in conditions of plain strain, convention for slip lines, solutions of plastic deformation problem, Geometry of slip line field, Properties of the slip lines, construction of slip line nets
Analysis for stresses, Non linear stress strain curve, shear stress distribution, residual stresses in plastic bending, problems.
Introduction, plastic torsion of a circular bar, elastic perfectly plastic material, elastic work hardening of material, residual stresses and problems