External influences on organizations, Changing nature of management, Types of organizations, Strategic management in organizations, Knowledge management, Knowledge management an emerging concept, Model of strategic knowledge management.
What is Management? Knowledge Management and business strategies, Knowledge intensive firms and Knowledge workers, Learning and Knowledge Management
Innovation dynamics and knowledge processes, characterizing innovation processes, innovation as an interactive process, knowledge creation and Nonaka, the social dynamics of innovation networking processes, forgetting and unlearning knowledge
Effective knowledge repositories, mapping the content structure, repository quality control, case studies (not for examination)
Introduction, Structure preserving design, Step 1: design system architecture, Step 2: identify target implementation platform, Step 3: specify architectural components, Step 4: specify application within architecture, design of prototypes, distributed architecture.
Introduction, significance of cross community knowledge processes, characterizing cross community knowledge processes,identity, knowledge, trust and social relations, classification of boundary types, facilitating/managing knowledge between communities
Introduction, contributions of disciplines to Knowledge Leadership, the generic attributes of knowledge leader, specific knowledge leadership roles, leading knowledge teams, leading a knowledge network, recruiting and selecting knowledge leaders
Introduction, linking knowledge management and ICTs, objectivist perspectives on ICT – enabled knowledge management, practice based perspectives on ICT enabled KM, the importance of accounting for socio cultural factors in ICT enabled KM, debates regarding the role of ICTs in KM processes.