10ME836 Computer Graphics syllabus for ME

Part A
Unit-1 Scan Conversion and Clipping Representation 7 hours

Scan Conversion and Clipping Representation of points, lines, Line Drawing Algorithms: DDA algorithm, Bresenham’s integer line algorithm, Bresenham’s circle algorithm, mid point line and circle, Polygon filling algorithms: scan conversion, seed filling, scan line algorithm. Viewing transformation, Clipping –points, lines, text, polygon, Cohen-Sutherland line clipping, Sutherland-Hodgmen algorithm.

Unit-2 Two Dimensional Transformations 6 hours

Representation of points, Transformations: Rotation, Reflection, Scaling, Combined Transformations, Translations and Homogeneous Coordinates, A geometric interpretation of homogeneous coordinates, Over all scaling, Points at infinity, rotation about an arbitrary point, Reflection through an arbitrary line.

Unit-3 Three Dimensional Transformations 6 hours

Three Dimensional Transformations and Projections 3D Transformation matrix: general matrix, Translation, scaling, Shearing, Rotation, Reflection, Multiple transformations, Rotation about an axis parallel to coordinate axis, Rotation about an arbitrary axis in space, Reflection through an arbitrary plane, Orthographic, Parallel projection Transformations, one, Perspective projections- one point, two point and three point.

Unit-4 Plane and Space Curves Curve 7 hours

Plane and Space Curves Curve representation, Nonparametric curves, parametric curves, parametric representation and generation of line, circle, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola, generation of circle, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola, Cubic spline, normalized cubic splines, Bezier curves: blending function, properties, generation, B-spline curves- Cox-deBoor recursive formula,properties,open uniform basis functions, Non-uniform basis functions, periodic B-spline curve.

Part B
Unit-5 Types and Mathematical Representation 7 hours

Types and Mathematical Representation of Solids, Solid Models, Solid entities, Solid representation, Solid modeling- set theory, regularized set operations, set membership classification, Half spaces, Half spaces of plane, cylinder, sphere, conical half-space, Boundary representation, Constructive Solid Geometry- basic elements, Building operations.

Unit-6 VISUAL REALISM-I 6 hours

Introduction, hidden line removal- visibility of object views, Visibility techniques: minimax test, containment test, surface test, Silhouttes, Homogeneity test, Sorting, Coherence, Hidden line priority algorithm, Hidden surface removal- Z-buffer algorithm, Warnock’s algorithm, Hidden solid removal- ray tracing algorithm.

Unit-7 VISUAL REALISM-II 7 hours

Shading, shading models- diffuse reflection, specular reflection, ambient light, Shading surfaces- constant shading, gourmand shading, Phong shading, Shading enhancements, Shading Solids- Ray tracing for CSG, z- buffer algorithm for B-rep and CSG, octree encoded objects, Colouring- RGB, CMY, HSV, HSL colour models.


Introduction, Conventional animation-key frame, Inbetweening, Line testing, Painting, Filming, Computer animation entertainment and engineering animation, Animation system hardware, software architecture, Animation types- frame buffer, colour table, zoompan- scroll, cross bar, real time play back, Animation techniques- key frame, skelton. Path of motion and p-curves.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023