15ME44 Fluid mechanics syllabus for ME

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Basics 10 hours

Basics:Introduction, Properties of fluids-mass density, weight density, specific volume, specificgravity, viscosity, surface tension, capillarity, vapour pressure, compressibility and bulkmodulus. Concept of continuum, types of fluids etc,pressure at a point in the static mass of fluid,variation of pressure, Pascal’s law,Absolute, gauge, atmospheric and vacuum pressurespressuremeasurement by simple, differential manometers and mechanical gauges.

Fluid Statics: Totalpressure and center of pressure for horizontal plane, vertical plane surfaceand inclined plane surface submerged in static fluid.Buoyancy, center of buoyancy, meta centerand meta centric heightits application in shipping, stability of floating bodies.

Module-2 Fluid Kinematics 12 hours

Fluid Kinematics: Types of Flow-steady, unsteady, uniform, non-uniform, laminar, turbulent,one,two and three dimensional, compressible, incompressible, rotational, irrotational, stram lines,path lines, streak lines, velocity components, convective and local acceleration, velocitypotential, stream function, continuity equation in Cartesian co-ordinates. Rotation, vorticity andcirculation, Laplace equation in velocity potential and Poisson equation in stream function, flownet, Problems.

Fluid Dynamics:Momentum equation, Impacts of jets- force on fixed and moving vanes, flat and curved.Numericals.Euler’s equation, Integration of Euler’s equation to obtain Bernoulli’s equation,Bernoulli’s theorem, Application of Bernoulli’s theorem such as venture meter, orifice meter,rectangular and triangular notch, pitot tube, orifices etc., related numericals.

Module-3 Laminar and turbulent flow 10 hours

Laminar and turbulent flow:Reynods Number, Entrance flow and Developed flow,NavierStokesEquation (no derivation),Laminar flow between parallel plates,Poiseuille equation –velocity profile, Couette flow,Fully developed laminar flow in circular pipes, Hagen - Poiseuilleequation,related numericals.

Energy consideration in pipe flow, Loss of Pressure Head due to Fluid Friction, DarcyWeishachformula, major and minor losses in pipes,Commercial pipe, Colebrook equation,Moody equation/ diagram. Pipes in series, parallel, equivalent pipe, Related Numericals andsimple pipe design problems.

Module-4 Flow over bodies 10 hours

Flow over bodies:Development of boundary layer, Prandtl’sboundary layer equations, Blasiussolution, laminar layer over a flat plate, boundary layer separation and its control. Basic concept of Lift and Drag, Types of drag, Co-efficient of drag and lift,streamline body andbluff body, flow around circular bodies and airfoils,Lift and drag on airfoil, Numericals.
Dimensional analysis: Need for dimensional analysis, Dimensions and units, DimensionalHomogeneity and dimensionless ratios, methods of dimensional analysis, Rayleigh’s method,Buckingham Pi theorem, Similitude and Model studies. Numericals.

Module-5 Compressible Flows 8 hours

Compressible Flows:Introduction, thermodynamicrelations of perfect gases, internal energyandenthalpy, speed of sound, pressure field due to a moving source,basic Equations for onedimensionalflow, stagnation and sonic Properties, normal and oblique shocks.
Introduction to CFD: Necessity, limitations, philosophy behind CFD, applications

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023