15ME52 Dynamics of Machinery syllabus for ME

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 10 hours

Static force Analysis: Static equilibrium. Equilibrium of two and three force members. Members with two forces and torque, Free body diagrams, Static force analysis of four bar mechanism and Slider-crank mechanism with and without friction.

Dynamic force Analysis: D’Alembert’s principle, Inertia force, Inertia torque. Dynamic force analysis of four-bar mechanism and Slider crank mechanism without friction, numerical problems.

Module-2 10 hours

Balancing of Rotating Masses: Static and dynamic balancing, balancing of single rotating mass by balancing masses in same plane and in different planes. Balancing of several rotating masses by balancing masses in same plane and in different planes.

Balancing of Reciprocating Masses: Inertia effect of crank and connecting rod, Single cylinder engine, balancing in multi cylinder-inline engine (primary and secondary forces), numerical problems.

Module-3 10 hours

Governors: Types of governors, force analysis of Porter and Hartnell governors. Controlling force, Stability, Sensitiveness, Isochronism, Effort and Power.

Gyroscope: Vectorial representation of angular motion, Gyroscopic couple. Effect of gyroscopic couple on plane disc, aeroplane, ship, stability of two wheelers and four wheelers, numerical problems.

Module-4 10 hours

Introduction & Undamped free Vibrations (Single Degree of Freedom)

Types of vibrations, Definitions, Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM), Work done by harmonic force, Principle of super position applied to SHM. Methods of analysis – (Newton’s, Energy & Rayleigh’s methods). Derivations for spring mass systems, Natural frequencies of simple systems, Springs in series and parallel, Torsional and transverse vibrations, Effect of mass of spring and problems.

Module-5 10 hours

Damped free Vibrations (Single Degree of Freedom)

Types of damping, Analysis with viscous damping - Derivations for over, critical and under damped systems, Logarithmic decrement and numerical problems.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023