15ME563 Automation and Robotics syllabus for ME

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 8 hours


History of Automation, Reasons for automation, Disadvantages of automation, Automation systems, Types of automation – Fixed, Programmable and Flexible automation, Automation strategies

Automated Manufacturing Systems: Components, classification and overview of manufacturing Systems, Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS), Types of FMS, Applications and benefits of FMS.

Module-2 8 hours


Definition of Robot, History of robotics, Robotics market and the future prospects, Robot Anatomy, Robot configurations: Polar, Cartesian, cylindrical and Jointed-arm configuration.

Robot motions, Joints, Work volume, Robot drive systems, Precision of movement – Spatial resolution, Accuracy, Repeatability, End effectors – Tools and grippers.

Module-3 9 hours

Controllers and Actuators

Basic Control System concepts and Models, Transfer functions, Block diagrams, characteristic equation, Types of Controllers: on-off, Proportional, Integral, Differential, P-I, P-D, P-I-D controllers. Control system and analysis.

Robot actuation and feedback components

Position sensors – Potentiometers, resolvers, encoders, velocity sensors. Actuators - Pneumatic and Hydraulic Actuators, Electric Motors, Stepper motors, Servomotors, Power Transmission systems.

Module-4 8 hours

Robot Sensors and Machine vision system

Sensors in Robotics - Tactile sensors, Proximity and Range sensors, use of sensors in robotics.

Machine Vision System: Introduction to Machine vision, the sensing and digitizing function in Machine vision, Image processing and analysis, Training and Vision systems.

Module-5 9 hours

Robots Technology of the future: Robot Intelligence, Advanced Sensor capabilities, Telepresence and related technologies, Mechanical design features, Mobility, locomotion and navigation, the universal hand, system integration and networking.

Artificial Intelligence: Goals of AI research, AI techniques – Knowledge representation, Problem representation and problem solving, LISP programming, AI and Robotics, LISP in the factory.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023