15ME564 Project Management syllabus for ME

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 8 hours

Introduction: Definition of project, characteristics of projects, understand projects, types of projects, scalability of project tools, project roles

Project Selection And Prioritization – Strategic planning process, Strategic analysis, strategic objectives, portfolio alignment – identifying potential projects, methods of selecting projects, financial mode / scoring models to select projects, prioritizing projects, securing and negotiating projects.

Module-2 8 hours

Planning Projects: Defining the project scope, Project scope checklist, Project priorities, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Integrating WBS with organisation, coding the WBS for the information system.

Scheduling Projects: Purpose of a project schedule, historical development, how project schedules are limited and created, develop project schedules, uncertainty in project schedules, Gantt chart.

Module-3 8 hours

Resourcing Projects: Abilities needed when resourcing projects, estimate resource needs, creating staffing management plant, project team composition issues, Budgeting Projects: Cost planning, cost estimating, cost budgeting, establishing cost control.

Project Risk Planning: Risk Management Planning, risk identification, risk analysis, risk response planning, Project Quality Planning and Project Kickoff: Development of quality concepts, project quality management plan, project quality tools, kickoff project, baseline and communicate project management plan, using Microsoft Project for project baselines.

Module-4 8 hours

Performing Projects: Project supply chain management: - Plan purchasing and acquisitions, plan contracting, contact types, project partnering and collaborations, project supply chain management.

Project Progress and Results: Project Balanced Scorecard Approach, Internal project, customer, financial issues, Finishing the project: Terminate project early, finish projects on time, secure customer feedback and approval, knowledge management, perform administrative and contract closure.

Module-5 10 hours

Network Analysis

Introduction, network construction - rules, Fulkerson’s rule for numbering the events, AON and AOA diagrams; Critical path method (CPM) to find the expected completion time of a project, floats; PERT for finding expected duration of an activity and project, determining the probability of completing a project, predicting the completion time of project; crashing of simple projects.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023