1. Testing of Molding sand and Core sand
Preparation of sand specimens and conduction of the following tests:
1. Compression, Shear and Tensile tests on Universal Sand Testing Machine.
2. Permeability test
3. Sieve Analysis to find Grain Fineness Number(GFN) of Base Sand
4. Clay content determination in Base Sand.
2. Foundry Practice
1. Use of foundry tools and other equipment’s.
2. Preparation of molding sand mixture.
3. Preparation of green sand molds using two molding boxes kept ready for pouring.
3. Forging Operations :
Use of forging tools and other equipment’s
Scheme of Examination:
One question is to be set from Part-A 30 Marks
One question is to be set from either Part-B or Part-C 50 Marks
Viva – Voce 20 Marks
Total Marks 100