17ME553 Human Resource Management syllabus for ME

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Human Resource Management 8 hours

Human Resource Management

Introduction, meaning, nature, scope of HRM. Importance and Evolution of the concept of HRM. Major functions of HRM, Principles of HRM, Organization of Personnel department, Role of HR Manager.


Job Analysis:

Meaning, process of job analysis, methods of collecting job analysis data, Job Description and Specification, Role Analysis.

Module-2 Human Resource Planning 8 hours

Human Resource Planning:

Objectives, Importance and process of Human Resource planning, Effective HRP



Definition, Constraints and Challenges, Sources and Methods of Recruitment, New Approaches to recruitment.



Definition and Process of Selection.

Module-3 Placement 8 hours


Meaning, Induction/Orientation, Internal Mobility, Transfer, Promotion, Demotion and Employee Separation.


Training and development:

Training v/s development, Training v/s Education, Systematic Approach to Training, Training Methods, Executive Development, Methods and Development of Management Development, Career and Succession Planning.

Module-4 Performance Appraisal 8 hours

Performance Appraisal:

Concept of Performance Appraisal, the Performance Appraisal process, Methods of Performance Appraisal, Essential Characteristic of an Effective Appraisal System.



Objectives of Compensation Planning, Job Evaluation, Compensation Pay Structure in India, Wage and Salary Administration, Factors Influencing Compensation Levels, Executive Compensation.

Module-5 Employee Welfare 8 hours

Employee Welfare:

Introduction, Types of Welfare Facilities and Statutory Provisions.


Employee Grievances:

Employee Grievance procedure, Grievances management in Indian Industry.



Meaning, approaches to discipline, essential of a good disciplinary system, managing difficult employees.


Course outcomes:

1. Understand the importance, functions and principles Human Resource Management and process of Job analysis

2. Summarize the objectives of Human Resource planning, Recruitment and selection process

3. Understand the process involved in Placement, Training and development activities.

4. Understand the characteristics of an effective appraisal system and compensation planning.

5. Understand the issues related to employee welfare, grievances and discipline.



1. Human Resource Management- Rao V.S.P, Excel books, 2010

2. Human Resource Management- Cynthia D. Fisher, 3/e, AIPD, Chennai

3. Human Resource Management: A South Asian Perspective, Snell, Bohlander&Vohra, 16th Rep., Cengage Learning, 2012

4. Human Resource Management- Lawrence S Kleeman, Biztantra, 2012

5. Human Resource Management- Aswathappa K, HPH



1. Human Resource Management- John M. Ivancevich, 10/e, McGraw Hill.

2. Human Resource Management in Practice- Srinivas R. Kandulla, PHI

3. Human Resource Management- Luis R Gomez-Mejia, David B. Balkin, Robert L Cardy, 6/e, PHI, 2010

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023