17ME62 Computer integrated Manufacturing syllabus for ME

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Introduction to CIM and Automation 10 hours

Introduction to CIM and Automation:

Automation in Production Systems, automated manufacturing systems- types of automation, reasons for automating, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, computerized elements of a CIM system, CAD/CAM and CIM. Mathematical models and matrices:production rate, production capacity, utilization and availability, manufacturing lead time, work-inprocess, numerical problems.


Automated Production Lines and Assembly Systems:

Fundamentals, system configurations, applications, automated flow lines, buffer storage, control of production line, analysis of transfer lines, analysis of flow lines without storage, partial automation, analysis of automated flow lines with storage buffer, fundamentals of automated assembly systems, numerical problems.

Module-2 CAD and Computer Graphics Software 10 hours

CAD and Computer Graphics Software:

The design process, applications of computers in design, software configuration, functions of graphics package, constructing the geometry. Transformations: 2D transformations, translation, rotation and scaling, homogeneous transformation matrix, concatenation, numerical problems on transformations.


Computerized Manufacture Planning and Control System:

Computer Aided Process Planning, Retrieval and Generative Systems, benefits of CAPP, Production Planning and Control Systems, typical activities of PPC System, computer integrated production management system, Material Requirement Planning, inputs to MRP system, working of MRP, outputs and benefits, Capacity Planning, Computer Aided Quality Control, Shop floor control.

Module-3 Flexible Manufacturing Systems 10 hours

Flexible Manufacturing Systems:

Fundamentals of Group Technology and Flexible Manufacturing Systems, types of FMS, FMS components, Material handling and storage system, applications, benefits, computer control systems, FMS planning and design issues, Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems, AS/RS and Automatic parts identification systems and data capture.


Line Balancing:

Line balancing algorithms, methods of line balancing, numerical problems on largest candidate rule, Kilbridge and Wester method, and Ranked Positional Weights method.

Module-4 Computer Numerical Control 10 hours

Computer Numerical Control:

Introduction,components of CNC, CNC programming, manual part programming, G Codes, M Codes, programming of simple components inturning,drilling and milling systems, programming with canned cycles.Cutter radius compensations.


Robot Technology:

Robot anatomy, joints and links, common robot configurations, robot control systems, accuracy and repeatability, end effectors, sensors in robotics. Robot programming methods: on-line and off-line methods. Robot industrial applications: Material handling, processing and assembly and inspection.

Module-5 Additive Manufacturing Systems 10 hours

Additive Manufacturing Systems:

Basic principles of additive manufacturing, slicing CAD models for AM, advantages and limitations of AM technologies, Additive manufacturing processes:Photo polymerization, material jetting, binder jetting, materialextrusion, Powder bed sintering techniques, sheet lamination, directenergy deposition techniques, applications of AM.Recenttrends in manufacturing, Hybrid manufacturing.


Future of Automated Factory:

Industry 4.0, functions, applications and benefits. Components of Industry 4.0, Internet of Things (IOT), IOT applications in manufacturing,Big-Data and Cloud Computing for IOT, IOT for smart manufacturing, influence of IOT on predictive maintenance, industrial automation, supply chain optimization, supply-chain & logistics, cyber-physical manufacturing systems.


Course outcomes:

  • Able to define Automation, CIM, CAD, CAM and explain the differences between these concepts.
  • Solve simple problems of transformations of entities on computer screen.
  • Explain the basics of automated manufacturing industries through mathematical models and analyze different types of automated flow lines.
  • Analyze the automated flow linesto reduce down time and enhance productivity.
  • Explain the use of different computer applications in manufacturing, and able to prepare part programs for simple jobs on CNC machine tools and robot programming.
  • Visualize and appreciate the modern trends in Manufacturing like additive manufacturing, Industry 4.0 and applications of Internet of Things leading to Smart Manufacturing.



1. Automation, Production Systems and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, by Mikell P Groover, 4th Edition,2015,Pearson Learning.

2. CAD / CAM Principles and Applications by P N Rao, 3rd Edition, 2015, Tata McGraw-Hill.

3. CAD/CAM/CIM, Dr. P. Radhakrishnan, 3rd edition, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi.



1. “CAD/CAM” by Ibrahim Zeid, Tata McGraw Hill.

2. “Principles of Computer Integrated Manufacturing”, S.Kant Vajpayee, 1999, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

3. “Work Systems And The Methods, Measurement And Management of Work”, GrooverM. P.,Pearson/Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2007.

4. “Computer Automation in Manufacturing”, Boucher, T. O., Chapman & Hall, London, UK, 1996.

5. “Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics And Control”, Craig, J. J., 2nd Ed., Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Readong, MA, 1989.

6. Internet of Things (IoT): Digitize or Die: Transform your organization. Embrace the digital evolution. Rise above the competition,by Nicolas Windpassinger, Amazon.

7. "Internet of Things: A Hands-on Approach", by ArshdeepBahga and Vijay Madisetti (Universities Press)

8. Additive Manufacturing Technologies: Rapid Prototyping to Direct Digital Manufacturing, 2nd Ed. (2015), Ian Gibson, David W. Rosen, Brent Stucker

9. “Understanding Additive Manufacturing”, Andreas Gebhardt, Hanser Publishers, 2011

10. Industry 4.0: The Industrial Internet of Things, Apress, 2017, by Alasdair Gilchrist

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023