17ME661 Energy Auditing syllabus for ME

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 General Aspects 8 hours

General Aspects:

Review of energy scenario in India,General Philosophy and need of Energy Audit and Management,Basic elements and measurements - Mass and energy balances – Scopeof energy auditing industries - Evaluation of energy conserving opportunities, Energy performancecontracts, Fuel and Energy substitution,Need for Energy Policy for Industries,National & State level energy Policies

Module-2 Energy Audit Concepts 8 hours

Energy Audit Concepts:

Need of Energy audit - Types of energy audit – Energymanagement (audit) approach - understanding energy costs - Bench marking – Energyperformance - Matching energy use to requirement - Maximizing system efficiencies -Optimizing the input energy requirements - Duties and responsibilities of energy auditors- Energy audit instruments - Procedures and Techniques.

Module-3 Principles and Objectives of Energy Management 8 hours

Principles and Objectives of Energy Management:

Design of Energy ManagementProgrammes - Development of energy management systems – Importance - Indian needof Energy Management - Duties of Energy Manager - Preparation and presentation ofenergy audit reports - Monitoring and targeting, some case study and potential energy savings.

Module-4 Thermal Energy Management 8 hours

Thermal Energy Management:

Energy conservation in boilers - steam turbines andindustrial heating systems - Application of FBC - Cogeneration and waste heat recovery -Thermal insulation - Heat exchangers and heat pumps –HVC industries-Building Energy Management.

Module-5 Electrical Energy Management 8 hours

Electrical Energy Management:

Supply side Methods to minimize supply-demand gap- Renovation and modernization of power plants - Reactive power management – HVDC- FACTS - Demand side - Conservation in motors - Pumps and fan systems – Energyefficient motors.


Course outcomes:

  • Understand the basic concepts of energy audit and energy management
  • Explain different types of energy audit, maximizing and optimizing system efficiency.
  • Summarize energy management systems, prepare and present energy audit report
  • Identify energy saving potential of thermal and electrical systems
  • Discuss Energy audit instruments, Procedures and Techniques.



1. Murphy, W. R., Energy Management, Elsevier, 2007.

2. Smith, C. B., Energy Management Principles, Pergamum, 2007

3. Handbook of Energy Audit, Sonal Desai, Mcgraw Hill Education Private Ltd.,



1. Turner, W. C., Doty, S. and Truner, W. C., Energy Management Hand book, 7th edition, Fairmont Press, 2009.

2. De, B. K., Energy Management audit & Conservation, 2nd Edition, Vrinda Publication, 2010.

3. Energy Management Handbook – W.C. Turner (John Wiley and Sons, A Wiley a. Interscience publication)

4. Industrial Energy Management and Utilisation –L.C. Witte, P.S. Schmidt, D.R. Brown (Hemisphere Publication, Washington, 1988)

5. Industrial Energy Conservation Manuals, MIT Press, Mass, 1982

6. Energy Conservation guide book Patrick/Patrick/Fardo (Prentice hall1993)

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023