17ME663 Maintenance Engineering syllabus for ME

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Maintenance systems 8 hours

Maintenance systems:

Maintenance objectives and scopes; Maintenance strategies & organizations; Maintenance works; life cycle costsPreventive Maintenance: Principles of preventive maintenance, procedures & selection; Preventive Maintenance planning, scheduling and control; Forms & resources; Maintenance work measurement; Modeling and analysis techniques in PM and inspections; Predictive maintenance.


Computerized Maintenance Management systems:

Benefits and applications; Work order systems & plant registers; Maintenance reports, analysis and monitoring; Introduction to commercial packages Equipment maintenance:Installation, commissioning and testing of plant equipment, checking for alignment, lubrication and lubrication schedule; maintenance of typical rotating and process equipment systems like turbines, pumps and fans, centrifuges, heat exchangers, boilers and pressure vessels etc.

Module-2 Reliability & probability Concepts 8 hours

Reliability & probability Concepts:

Basic concepts of probability theory and distributions, definition of reliability, failure probability, reliability and hazard rate function, MTBF and MTTR, System reliability, series and parallel system, redundancy.

Module-3 Reliability Centered Maintenance 8 hours

Reliability Centered Maintenance:

principles of RCM, Benefits of RCM, application of RCMStep-by-step procedure in conducting RCM analysis. The Plant Register. Functions and Failures. Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA). Failure consequences. Maintenance and decision making. Acturial analysis and Failure data. Perspective loops. Default action. The RCM Decision diagram. The nature of Failure and Technical history.

Module-4 Total Productive Maintenance 8 hours

Total Productive Maintenance:

Goals of TPM and methodology, TPM improvement plan & procedures. The modern role of care and asset management through TPM, the use of TPM concepts consisting of Pareto ABC analysis, Fishbone diagrams, OEE and 5S. Fault analysis.


Condition Monitoring:

Measurable phenomena from different Plant Items:

Measurable phenomena associated with degradation from a range of plant items includingmotors/generators, transformers, cables, bushings, connectors, capacitors and circuit breakers.

Module-5 Fault diagnosis of Rotational Machines 8 hours

Fault diagnosis of Rotational Machines:

Unbalance, shaft and coupling misalignments, bent shafts, gear and bearing wear, oil whirls and shaft eccentricity.


Measurement Strategies and Techniques:

A wide range of strategies and associated technologies will be discussed including light emission (photo multipliers, fiber optic techniquesetc.), heat emissions (IR, cameras, direct temperature measurement, etc.), electrical charges (tan d, electrical particle discharge, etc.), force, power and vibration.


Data Processing and Analysis:

For each of the approaches, options with respect to data processing and analysis will be discussed including digital signal processing and computational techniques. Close attention will be paid through examples of the cost benefits and the reliability which can be placed on data with respect to formulating a view on the condition of a give item of plant.


Course outcomes:

On completion of this subject students will be able to:

1. Understand maintenance objectives and evaluate various maintenance strategies for process plant application, Develop necessary planning and scheduling and control of preventive maintenance activities.

2. Evaluate reliability of a simple plant component and system.

3. Understand and apply the advanced concepts such as RCM and advantages for a company employing them

4. Understand and apply the advanced concepts such as TPM and advantages for a company employing

5. Applythe principles of condition monitoring systems.

6. Apply the mechanical condition monitoring techniques and analyze the data used in condition monitoring



1. Practical machinery Vibration Analysis & Predictive Maintenance, C. Scheffer and P. Girdhar,, IDC technologies, 2004.

2. Introduction to Machinery Analysis and Monitoring, John S. Mitchell, PennWell Books, 1993.

3. Machinery Vibration, Measurement and Analysis, Victor Wowk, Mc Craw Hill,1991



1. Handbook of Condition Monitoring, B.K.N. Rao,1996

2. Reliability Engineering, Srinath L S,

3. Maintenance Replacement and Reliability, Jardine AKS,

4. Practical reliability engineering, Oconnor, Patrick D T

5. Reliability and Maintainability Engineering, Charles E Ebeling

6. Introduction to Reliability Engineering Lewis E,

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023