17ME664 Total Quality Management syllabus for ME

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Principles and Practice 8 hours

Principles and Practice:

Definition, basic approach, gurus of TQM, TQMFramework, awareness, defining quality, historical review, obstacles, benefitsof TQM.


Quality Management Systems:

Introduction, benefits of ISO registration, ISO 9000 series of standards, ISO 9001 requirements

Module-2 Leadership 8 hours


Definition, characteristics of quality leaders, leadership concept,characteristics of effective people, ethics, the Deming philosophy, role ofTQM leaders, implementation, core values, concepts and framework,strategic planning communication, decision making,

Module-3 Customer Satisfaction and Customer Involvement 8 hours

Customer Satisfaction and Customer Involvement:

Customer Satisfaction: customer and customer perception of quality, feedback, using customer complaints, service quality, translating needs intorequirements, customer retention,casestudies. Employee Involvement – Motivation, employee surveys, empowerment,teams, suggestion system, recognition and reward, gain sharing, performanceappraisal, unions and employee involvement, case studies.

Module-4 Continuous Process Improvement 8 hours

Continuous Process Improvement:

process, the Juran trilogy, improvement strategies, types of problems, the PDSA Cycle, problem-solving methods, Kaizen, reengineering, six sigma, case studies.


Statistical Process Control:

Pareto diagram, process flow diagram, cause and effect diagram, check sheets, histograms, statistical fundamentals, Control charts, state of control, out of control process, control charts for variables, control charts for attributes, scatter diagrams, case studies

Module-5 Tools and Techniques 8 hours

Tools and Techniques:

Benching marking, information technology, quality management systems, environmental management system, and qualityfunction deployment, quality by design, failure mode and effect analysis, product liability, total productive maintenance.


Course outcomes:

1. Explain the various approaches of TQM

2. Infer the customer perception of quality

3. Analyze customer needs and perceptions to design feedback systems.

4. Apply statistical tools for continuous improvement of systems

5. Apply the tools and technique for effective implementation of TQM.



Total Quality Management: Dale H. Besterfield, Publisher -Pearson Education India, ISBN: 8129702606, Edition 03.

2. Total Quality Management for Engineers: M. Zairi, ISBN:1855730243, Publisher: Wood head Publishing



1. Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence by James R.Evans and Williuam M Lindsay,9th edition, Publisher Cengage Learning.

2 A New American TQM, four revolutions in management, ShojiShiba, Alan Graham, David Walden, Productivity press, Oregon, 1990

3. Organizational Excellence through TQM, H. Lal, New age Publications, 2008

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023