17ME745 Smart Materials & MEMS syllabus for ME

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Introduction 8 hours

  • Introduction: Closed loop and Open loop Smart Structures. Applications of Smart structures, Piezoelectric properties. Inchworm Linear motor, Shape memory alloys, Shape memory effect-Application, Processing and characteristics.


  • Shape Memory Alloys: Introduction, Phenomenology, Influence of stress on characteristic temperatures, Modelling of shape memory effect. Vibration control through shape memory alloys. Design considerations, multiplexing embedded NiTiNOL actuators.
Module-2 Electro rheological and Magneto rheological Fluids 8 hours

  • Electro rheological and Magneto rheological Fluids:Mechanisms and Properties, Characteristics,Fluid composition and behaviour, Discovery and Early developments, Summary of material properties. Applicationsof ER and MR fluids (Clutches, Dampers, others). – 4hrs 


  • FibreOptics: Introduction, Physical Phenomenon, Characteristics, Fibre optic strain sensors, Twisted and Braided Fibre Optic sensors, Optical fibres as load bearing elements, Crack detection applications, Integration of Fibre optic sensors and shape memory elements. – 4hrs
Module-3 Vibration Absorbers 8 hours

  • Vibration Absorbers: Introduction, Parallel Damped Vibration Absorber, Analysis, Gyroscopic Vibration absorbers, analysis & experimental set up and observations, Active Vibration absorbers. Control of Structures: Introduction, Structures as control plants, Modelling structures for control, Control strategies and Limitations.


  • Biomimetics: Characteristics of Natural structures. Fibre reinforced: organic matrix natural composites, Natural creamers, Mollusks. Biomimetic sensing, Challenges and opportunities.
Module-4 MEMS 8 hours

  • MEMS:History of MEMS, Intrinsic Characteristics, Devices: Sensors and Actuators. Microfabrication: Photolithography, Thermal oxidation, Thin film deposition, etching types, Doping, Dicing, Bonding. Microelectronics fabrication process flow, Silicon based, Process selection and design.


  • Piezoelectric Sensing and Actuation: Introduction, Cantilever Piezoelectric actuator model, Properties of Piezoelectric materials, Applications. Magnetic Actuation: Concepts and Principles, Magnetization and Nomenclatures, Fabrication and case studies,Comparison of major sensing and actuation methods.
Module-5 Polymer MEMS & Microfluidics 8 hours

  • Polymer MEMS & Microfluidics:Introduction, Polymers in MEMS(Polyimide, SU-8,LCP,PDMS,PMMA,Parylene, Others) Applications(Acceleration, Pressure, Flow, Tactile sensors). Motivation for micro fluidics, Biological Concepts, Design and Fabrication of Selective components. Channels and Valves.


  • Case Studies: MEMS Magnetic actuators, BP sensors, Microphone, Acceleration sensors, Gyro, MEMS Product development: Performance, Accuracy, Repeatability, Reliability, Managing cost, Market uncertainties, Investment and competition


Course outcomes:

1. Describe the methods of controlling vibration using smart systems and fabrication methods of MEMS.

2. Explain the principle concepts of Smart materials, structures, Fibre optics, ER & MR Fluids, Biomimetics and MEMS with principles of working.

3. Analyze the properties of smart structures, MEMS, with the applications and select suitable procedure for fabrication.

4. Summarize the methods and uses of Micro fabrications, Biomimetics, types of polymers used in MEMS, Fibre optics, piezoelectric sensing and actuation.



1.“Smart Structures –Analysis and Design”, A.V.Srinivasan, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2001, (ISBN:0521650267).

2. “Smart Materials and Structures”, M.V.Gandhi and B.S.Thompson Chapmen & Hall, London, 1992 (ISBN:0412370107)

3. “Foundation of MEMS, by Chang Liu. Pearson Education. (ISBN:9788131764756)

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023