17ME754 Mechatronics syllabus for ME

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Introduction 8 hours


Definition, Multidisciplinary Scenario, Evolution of Mechatronics,Design of Mechatronics system, Objectives, advantages and disadvantages of Mechatronics.


Transducers and sensors:

Definition and classification of transducers, Differencebetween transducer and sensor, Definition and classification of sensors, Principleof working and applications of light sensors, proximity switches and Hall Effectsensors.

Module-2 Microprocessor & Microcontrollers 8 hours

Microprocessor & Microcontrollers:

Introduction, Microprocessor systems,Basic elements of control systems, Microcontrollers, Difference betweenMicroprocessor and Microcontrollers.


Microprocessor Architecture:

Microprocessor architecture and terminology-CPU,memory and address, I/O and Peripheral devices, ALU, Instruction andProgram, Assembler, Data, Registers, Program Counter, Flags, Fetch cycle, writecycle, state, bus interrupts. Intel’s 8085A Microprocessor.

Module-3 Programmable logic controller 8 hours

Programmable logic controller:

Introduction to PLC’s, basic structure, Principleof operation, Programming and concept of ladder diagram, concept of latching &selection of a PLC.



Introduction & background, Advanced actuators, Pneumaticactuators, Industrial Robot, different parts of a Robot-Controller, Drive, Arm, EndEffectors, Sensor & Functional requirements of robot.

Module-4 Mechanical actuation systems 8 hours

Mechanical actuation systems:

Mechanical systems, types of motion, Cams, Gear trains, Ratchet & Pawl, belt and chain drives, mechanical aspects of motorselection.


Electrical actuation systems:

Electrical systems, Mechanical switches, Solenoids,Relays, DC/AC Motors, Principle of Stepper Motors & servomotors.

Module-5 Pneumatic and hydraulic actuation systems 8 hours

Pneumatic and hydraulic actuation systems:

Actuating systems, Pneumatic andhydraulic systems, Classifications of Valves, Pressure relief valves, Pressureregulating/reducing valves, Cylinders and rotary actuators.



Principle & construction details, types of sliding spool valve,solenoid operated, Symbols of hydraulic elements, components of hydraulicsystem, functions of various units of hydraulic system. Design of simple hydrauliccircuits for various applications.


Course outcomes:

On completion of this subject, students will be able to:

1. Illustrate various components of Mechatronics systems.

2. Assess various control systems used in automation.

3. Develop mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical control systems.



1. NitaigourPremchandMahalik , Mechatronics-Principles, Concepts and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill, 1stEdition, 2003 ISBN.No. 0071239243, 9780071239240.

2. W.Bolton-Pearson Education, Mechatronics – Electronic Control Systems in Mechanicaland Electrical Engineering, 1stEdition, 2005 ISBNNo. 81-7758-284-4.



1. Mechatronics by HMT Ltd. – Tata McGrawHill, 1st Edition, 2000. ISBN:9780074636435.

2. Anthony Esposito, Fluid Power , Pearson Education, 6th Edition, 2011, ISBN No.9789332518544.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023