17MEL77 CIM Lab syllabus for ME

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Lab 0 hours


Manual CNC part programming for 2 turning and 2 milling parts. Selection and assignment oftools, correction of syntax and logical errors, and verification of tool path.


CNC part programming using CAM packages. Simulation of Turning, Drilling, Millingoperations. 3 typical simulations to be carried out using simulation packages like: CademCAMLab-Pro,Master- CAM.


Program generation using software. Optimize spindle power, torque utilization, and cycle time. Generation and printing of shop documents like process and cycle time sheets, tool list, and tool layouts. Enter program, take tool offsets, cut part in single block and auto mode, measure the virtual part on screen in the virtual CNC machine simulator, for standard CNC control systems FANUC, FAGOR, HAAS and SINUMERIK.


Part B (Only for Demo/Viva voce)

FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System): Programming of Automatic storage and Retrievalsystem (ASRS) and linear shuttle conveyor Interfacing CNC lathe, milling with loading unloading arm and ASRS to be carried out on simple components.


(Only for Demo/Viva voce)

Robot programming: Using Teach Pendent & Offline programming to perform pick and place,stacking of objects (2 programs).


Pneumatics and Hydraulics, Electro-Pneumatics: 3 typical experiments on Basics of thesetopics to be conducted.


Course Outcomes:

After studying this course, students will be able to:

CLO1 Generate CNC Lathe part program for Turning, Facing, Chamfering, Grooving, Step turning, Taper turning, Circular interpolation etc.

CLO2 Generate CNC Mill Part programming for Point to point motions, Line motions, Circular interpolation, Contour motion, Pocket milling- circular, rectangular, Mirror commands etc.

CLO3 Use Canned Cycles for Drilling, Peck drilling, Boring, Tapping, Turning, Facing,Taper turning Thread cutting etc.

CLO4 Simulate Tool Path for different Machining operations of small components using CNC Lathe & CNC Milling Machine.

CLO5 Use high end CAM packages for machining complex parts; use state of art cutting tools and related cutting parameters; optimize cycle time; set up and cut part on.

CLO6 Understand & write programs for Robot control; understand the operating principles of hydraulics, pneumatics and electro pneumatic systems.


Scheme for Examination:

Two Questions from Part A - 60 Marks (30 +30)

Viva-Voce -                            20 Marks

Total:                                      80 Marks

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023