18ME35A Metal cutting and forming syllabus for ME

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Introduction to Metal cutting 0 hours

Introduction to Metal cutting:

Orthogonal and oblique cutting. Classification of cutting tools: single, and multipoint; tool signature for single point cutting tool. Mechanics of orthogonal cutting; chip formation, shear angle and its significance, Merchant circle diagram. Numerical problems. Cutting tool materials and applications.


Introduction to basic metal cutting machine tools: Lathe-

Parts of lathe machine, accessories of lathe machine, and various operations carried out on lathe. Kinematics of lathe. Turret and Capstan lathe.

Module-2 Milling 0 hours


Various Milling operations, classification of milling machines, Vertical & Horizontal milling, up milling & down milling. Indexing: need of indexing, simple, compound & differential indexing.



Difference between drilling, boring & reaming, types of drilling machines. Boring operations & boring machines.


Shaping, Planing and Slotting machines-

machining operations and operating parameters.



Grinding operation, classification of grinding processes: cylindrical, surface ¢erless grinding.

Module-3 Introduction to tool wear 0 hours

Introduction to tool wear,

tool wear mechanisms, tool life equations, effect of process parameters on tool life, machinability. Cutting fluid-types and applications, surface finish, effect of machining parameters on surface finish. Economics of machining process, choice of cutting speed and feed, tool life for minimum cost and production time. Numerical problems.



Introduction to metal forming processes & classification of metal forming processes. Hot working & cold working of metals. Forging: Smith forging, drop forging & press forging. Forging Equipment, Defects in forging. Rolling: Rolling process, Angle of bite, Types of rolling mills, Variables of rolling process, Rolling defects. Drawing & Extrusion: Drawing of wires, rods & pipes, Variables of drawing process. Difference between drawing & extrusion. Various types of extrusion processes.

Module-5 Sheet Metal Operations 0 hours

Sheet Metal Operations:

Blanking, piercing, punching, drawing, draw ratio, drawing force, variables in drawing, Trimming, and Shearing.


Bending ––

types of bending dies, Bending force calculation, Embossing and coining.


Types of dies:

Progressive, compound and combination dies.


Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

CO1: Explain the construction & specification of various machine tools.

CO2: Discuss different cutting tool materials, tool nomenclature & surface finish.

CO3: Apply mechanics of machining process to evaluate machining time.

CO4: Analyze tool wear mechanisms and equations to enhance tool life and minimize machining cost.

CO5: Understand the concepts of different metal forming processes.

CO6: Apply the concepts of design of sheet metal dies to design different dies for simple sheet metal components.


Question paper pattern:

• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.

• Each full question will be for 20 marks.

• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.

• Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.

• The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module



1 Manufacturing Technology Vol I & II P.N.Rao Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co. Ltd., New Delhi 1998

2 A textbook of Production Technology Vol I and II Sharma, P.C., S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi 1996

3 Manufacturing Science Amithab Gosh &A.K.Malik East-West press 2001


Reference Books

4 Workshop Technology Vol. I and II Chapman W. A. J. Arnold Publisher New Delhi 1998

5 Elements of Manufacturing Technology Vol II, Hajra Choudhary, S. K. and Hajra Choudhary, A. K. Media Publishers, Bombay 1988

6 Metal Forming Handbook Schuler Springer Verlag Publication

7 Metal Forming: Mechanics and Metallurgy Hosford,WF and Caddell,R.M Prentice Hall 1993

8 Manufacturing Engineering and Technology Kalpakjian Addision Wesley CongmenPvt. Ltd. 2000

9 Production Technology HMT

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023