18ME42 Applied Thermodynamics syllabus for ME

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Air standard cycles 0 hours

Air standard cycles:

Carnot, Otto, Diesel, Dual and Stirling cycles, p-v and T -s diagrams, description, efficiencies and mean effective pressures. Comparison of Otto and Diesel cycles.



Classification of IC engines, Combustion of SI engine and CI engine, Detonation and factors affecting detonation, Performance analysis of I.C Engines, Heat balance, Morse test, IC Engine fuels, Ratings and Alternate Fuels.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Module-1 0 hours

Air standard cycles:

Carnot, Otto, Diesel, Dual and Stirling cycles, p-v and T -s diagrams, description, efficiencies and mean effective pressures. Comparison of Otto and Diesel cycles.



Classification of IC engines, Combustion of SI engine and CI engine, Detonation and factors affecting detonation, Performance analysis of I.C Engines, Heat balance, Morse test, IC Engine fuels, Ratings and Alternate Fuels.

Module-2 Gas power Cycles 0 hours

Gas power Cycles:

Gas turbine (Brayton) cycle; description and analysis. Regenerative gas turbine cycle. Intercooling and reheating in gas turbine cycles. Introduction to Jet Propulsion cycles.

Module-2 Module-2 0 hours

Gas power Cycles:

Gas turbine (Brayton) cycle; description and analysis. Regenerative gas turbine cycle. Intercooling and reheating in gas turbine cycles. Introduction to Jet Propulsion cycles.

Module-3 Vapour Power Cycles 0 hours

Vapour Power Cycles:

Carnot vapour power cycle, drawbacks as a reference cycle. Simple Rankine cycle; description, T-S diagram, analysis for performance. Comparison of Carnot and Rankine cycles. Effects of pressure and temperature on Rankine cycle performance. Actual vapour power cycles. Ideal and practical regenerative Rankine cycles, open and closed feed water heaters. Reheat Rankine cycle. Characteristics of an Ideal working fluid in vapour power cycles.

Module-3 Module-3 0 hours

Vapour Power Cycles:

Carnot vapour power cycle, drawbacks as a reference cycle. Simple Rankine cycle; description, T-S diagram, analysis for performance. Comparison of Carnot and Rankine cycles. Effects of pressure and temperature on Rankine cycle performance.

Actual vapour power cycles. Ideal and practical regenerative Rankine cycles, open and closed feed water heaters. Reheat Rankine cycle. Characteristics of an Ideal working fluid in vapour power cycles.

Module-4 Refrigeration Cycles 0 hours

Refrigeration Cycles:

Vapour compression refrigeration system; description, analysis, refrigerating effect. Capacity, power required units of refrigeration, COP, Refrigerants and their desirable properties, alternate Refrigerants. Air cycle refrigeration; reversed Carnot cycle, reversed Brayton cycle, vapour absorption refrigeration system.


Pscychrometrics and Air-conditioning Systems:

Psychometric properties of Air, Psychometric Chart, Analyzing Air-conditioning Processes; Heating, Cooling, Dehumidification and Humidification, Evaporative Cooling. Adiabatic mixing of two moist air streams. Cooling towers.

Module-4 Module-4 0 hours

Refrigeration Cycles:

Vapour compression refrigeration system; description, analysis, refrigerating effect. Capacity, power required units of refrigeration, COP, Refrigerants and their desirable properties, alternate Refrigerants. Air cycle refrigeration; reversed Carnot cycle, reversed Brayton cycle, vapour absorption refrigeration system.


Pscychrometrics and Air-conditioning Systems:

Psychometric properties of Air, Psychometric Chart, Analyzing Air-conditioning Processes; Heating, Cooling, Dehumidification and Humidification, Evaporative Cooling. Adiabatic mixing of two moist air streams. Cooling towers.

Module-5 Reciprocating Compressors 0 hours

Reciprocating Compressors:

Operation of a single stage reciprocating compressors. Work input through p-v diagram and steady state steady flow analysis. Effect of Clearance and Volumetric efficiency. Adiabatic, Isothermal and Mechanical efficiencies. Multi-stage compressor, saving in work, Optimum intermediate pressure, Inter-cooling, Minimum work for compression.


Steam nozzles:

Flow of steam through nozzles, Shape of nozzles, effect of friction, Critical pressure ratio, Supersaturated flow.


Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

CO1: Apply thermodynamic concepts to analyze the performance of gas power cycles.

CO2: Apply thermodynamic concepts to analyze the performance of vapour power cycles.

CO3: Understand combustion of fuels and performance of I C engines.

CO4: Understand the principles and applications of refrigeration systems.

CO5: Apply Thermodynamic concepts to determine performance parameters of refrigeration and airconditioning systems.

CO6: Understand the working principle of Air compressors and Steam nozzles, applications, relevance of air and identify methods for performance improvement.


Question paper pattern:

  • The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
  • Each full question will be for 20 marks.
  • There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
  • Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
  • The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.



1 Engineering Thermodynamics P.K. Nag Tata McGraw Hill 6th Edition 2018

2 Applications of Thermodynamics V.Kadambi, T. R.Seetharam, K. B. Subramanya Kumar Wiley Indian Private Ltd 1st Edition 2019

3 Thermodynamics Yunus A, Cengel, Michael A Boles Tata McGraw Hill 7th Edition


Reference Books

1 Thermodynamics for engineers Kenneth A. Kroos and Merle C. Potter Cengage Learning 2016

2 Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics Michael J, Moran, Howard N. Shapiro Wiley 8th Edition

3 An Introduction to Thermo Dynamics Y.V.C.Rao Wiley Eastern Ltd 2003.

4 Thermodynamics Radhakrishnan PHI 2nd revised edition

5 I.C Engines Ganeshan.V Tata McGraw Hill 4th Edi. 2012

6 I.C.Engines M.L.Mathur& Sharma. Dhanpat Rai& sons- India

Module-5 Module-5 0 hours

Reciprocating Compressors:

Operation of a single stage reciprocating compressors. Work input through p-v diagram and steady state steady flow analysis. Effect of Clearance and Volumetric efficiency. Adiabatic, Isothermal and Mechanical efficiencies. Multi-stage compressor, saving in work, Optimum intermediate pressure, Inter-cooling, Minimum work for compression.


Steam nozzles:

Flow of steam through nozzles, Shape of nozzles, effect of friction, Critical pressure ratio, Supersaturated flow.


Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

CO1: Apply thermodynamic concepts to analyze the performance of gas power cycles.

CO2: Apply thermodynamic concepts to analyze the performance of vapour power cycles.

CO3: Understand combustion of fuels and performance of I C engines.

CO4: Understand the principles and applications of refrigeration systems.

CO5: Apply Thermodynamic concepts to determine performance parameters of refrigeration and airconditioning systems.

CO6: Understand the working principle of Air compressors and Steam nozzles, applications, relevance of air and identify methods for performance improvement.


Question paper pattern:

  • The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
  • Each full question will be for 20 marks.
  • There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
  • Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
  • The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.



1 Engineering Thermodynamics P.K. Nag Tata McGraw Hill 6th Edition 2018

2 Applications of Thermodynamics V.Kadambi, T. R.Seetharam, K. B. Subramanya Kumar Wiley Indian Private Ltd 1st Edition 2019

3 Thermodynamics Yunus A, Cengel, Michael A Boles Tata McGraw Hill 7th Edition


Reference Books

1 Thermodynamics for engineers Kenneth A. Kroos and Merle C. Potter Cengage Learning 2016

2 Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics Michael J, Moran, Howard N. Shapiro Wiley 8th Edition

3 An Introduction to Thermo Dynamics Y.V.C.Rao Wiley Eastern Ltd 2003.

4 Thermodynamics Radhakrishnan PHI 2nd revised edition

5 I.C Engines Ganeshan.V Tata McGraw Hill 4th Edi. 2012

6 I.C.Engines M.L.Mathur& Sharma. Dhanpat Rai& sons- India

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023