18MEL58 Energy Conversion Lab syllabus for ME

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Experiments 0 hours



1 Lab layout, calibration of instruments and standards to be discussed

2 Determination of Flash point and Fire point of lubricating oil using Abel Pensky and Marten’s (closed) / Cleveland’s (Open Cup) Apparatus.

3 Determination of Calorific value of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels.

4 Determination of Viscosity of lubricating oil using Redwoods, Saybolt and Torsion Viscometers.

5 Valve Timing/port opening diagram of an I.C. Engine.



6 Performance Tests on I.C. Engines, Calculations of IP, BP, Thermal efficiency, Volumetric efficiency, Mechanical efficiency, SFC, FP, A:F Ratio, heat balance sheet for

a. Four stroke Diesel Engine

b. Four stroke Petrol Engine

c. Multi Cylinder Diesel/Petrol Engine, (Morse test)

d. Two stroke Petrol Engine Variable Compression Ratio I.C. Engine.

7 Measurements of Exhaust Emissions of Petrol engine.

8 Measurements of Exhaust Emissions of Diesel engine.



9 Visit to Automobile Industry/service stations.

10 Demonstration of pθ , pV plots using Computerized IC engine test rig


Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

CO1: Perform experiments to determine the properties of fuels and oils.

CO2: Conduct experiments on engines and draw characteristics.

CO3: Test basic performance parameters of I.C. Engine and implement the knowledge in industry.

CO4: Identify exhaust emission, factors affecting them and exhibit his competency towards preventive maintenance of IC engines.


Scheme of Examination:

ONE question from part A: 30 Marks

ONE question from part B: 50 Marks

                      Viva –Voice : 20 Marks

                                 Total : 100 Marks

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023