18ME62 Design of Machine Elements II syllabus for ME

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Springs 0 hours


Types of springs, spring materials, stresses in helical coil springs of circular and non-circular cross sections. Tension and compression springs, concentric springs; springs under fluctuating loads. Leaf Springs: Stresses in leaf springs, equalized stresses, and nipping of leaf springs. Introduction to torsion and Belleville springs.



Materials of construction of flat and V belts, power rating of belts, concept of slip and creep, initial tension, effect of centrifugal tension, maximum power condition. Selection of flat and V belts- length & cross section from manufacturers’ catalogues. Construction and application of timing belts.


Wire ropes:

Construction of wire ropes, stresses in wire ropes, and selection of wire ropes.

Module-2 Gear drives 0 hours

Gear drives:

Classification of gears, materials for gears, standard systems of gear tooth, lubrication of gears, and gear tooth failure modes.


Spur Gears:

Definitions, stresses in gear tooth: Lewis equation and form factor, design for strength, dynamic load and wear.


Helical Gears:

Definitions, transverse and normal module, formative number of teeth, design based on strength, dynamic load and wear.

Module-3 Bevel Gears 0 hours

Bevel Gears:

Definitions, formative number of teeth, design based on strength, dynamic load and wear.


Worm Gears:

Definitions, types of worm and worm gears, and materials for worm and worm wheel. Design based on strength, dynamic, wear loads and efficiency of worm gear drives.

Module-4 Design of Clutches 0 hours

Design of Clutches:

Necessity of a clutch in an automobile, types of clutch, friction materials and its properties. Design of single plate, multi-plate and cone clutches based on uniform pressure and uniform wear theories.


Design of Brakes:

Different types of brakes, Concept of self-energizing and self-locking of brakes. Practical examples, Design of band brakes, block brakes and internal expanding brakes.

Module-5 Lubrication and Bearings 0 hours

Lubrication and Bearings:

Lubricants and their properties, bearing materials and properties; mechanisms of lubrication, hydrodynamic lubrication, pressure development in oil film, bearing modulus, coefficient of friction, minimum oil film thickness, heat generated, and heat dissipated. Numerical examples on hydrodynamic journal and thrust bearing design.


Antifriction bearings:

Types of rolling contact bearings and their applications, static and dynamic load carrying capacities, equivalent bearing load, load life relationship; selection of deep grove ball bearings from the manufacturers’ catalogue; selection of bearings subjected to cyclic loads and speeds;probability of survival. Assignment: Course work includes a Design project. Design project should enable the students to design a mechanical system (like single stage reduction gear box with spur gears, single stage worm reduction gear box, V-belt and pulley drive system, machine tool spindle with bearing mounting, C-clamp, screw jack, etc.) A group of students (maximum number in a group should be 4) should submit assembly drawing and part drawings, completely dimensioned, indicating the necessary manufacturing tolerances, surface finish symbols and geometric tolerances wherever necessary. Design project must be completed using appropriate solid modeling software. Computer generated drawings must be submitted. Design calculations must be hand written and should be included in the report. Design project should be given due credit in internal assessment.


Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

CO1: Apply design principles for the design of mechanical systems involving springs, belts, pulleys, and wire ropes.

CO2: Design different types of gears and simple gear boxes for relevant applications.

CO3: Understand the design principles of brakes and clutches.

CO4: Apply design concepts of hydrodynamic bearings for different applications and select Anti friction bearings for different applications using the manufacturers, catalogue.

CO5: Apply engineering design tools to product design.

CO6: Become good design engineers through learning the art of working in a team.


Question paper pattern:

  • The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
  • Each full question will be for 20 marks.
  • There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
  • Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
  • The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.



1 Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design Richard G. Budynas,and J. Keith Nisbett McGraw-Hill Education 10th Edition, 2015

2 Fundamentals of Machine Component Design Juvinall R.C, and Marshek K.M John Wiley & Sons Third Edition 2007 Wiley student edition

3 Design of Machine Elements V. B. Bhandari Tata Mcgraw Hill 4th Ed 2016.

4 Design of Machine Elements-II Dr.M H Annaiah Dr. J Suresh Kumar Dr.C N Chandrappa New Age International (P) Ltd., 1s Ed., 2016


Reference Books

1 Machine Design- an integrated approach Robert L. Norton Pearson Education 2nd edition

2 Design and Machine Elements Spotts M.F., ShoupT.E Pearson Education 8th edition, 2006

3 Machine design Hall, Holowenko, Laughlin (Schaum’s Outline Series adapted by S.K.Somani Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd Special Indian Edition, 2008

4 Elements of Machine Design H.G.Patil, S.C.Pilli, R.R.Malagi, M.S.Patil IK International First edition,2019

5 Design of Machine Elements Volume II T. Krishna Rao IK international publishing house 2013

6 Hand book of Mechanical Design G. M. Maithra and L.V.Prasad Tata McGraw Hill 2nd edition,2004

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023