18ME753 Industrial Safety syllabus for ME

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Terms used 0 hours

Terms used:

accident, safety, hazard, safe, safety devices, safety guard, security, precaution, caution, appliance, slip, trip, fall. Ladders and scaffolding. Unsafe acts, reason for accidents, MSDS (material safety data sheet), computer Aided Hazard Analysis, International acts and standards OSHA, WHO. Environment act, control and abatement of environmental pollution-Biomedical waste. Lockout and tag out procedures. Safe material handling and storage. Risk analysis quantification.

Case studies:

Student should identify the unsafe acts near their surroundings like housekeeping, lab as well as industrial layouts, road safety, campus layout, safety signs.

Module-2 Introduction 0 hours

Introduction, toxicity of products of combustion – vapour clouds – flash fire – jet fires – pool fires – autoignition, sources of ignition . Class A, B, C, D and E fire. Fire triangle, Fire extinguishers, Fire hazard and analysis, prevention of fire. Fire protection and loss prevention, steps after occurrence of fire. notice-first aid for burns, Portable fire extinguishers. Fire detection, fire alarm and firefighting systems. Safety sign boards, instruction on portable fire extinguishers. Case studies: demonstration of fire extinguishers, visit to local fire fighting stations. Visit to fire accident sites to analyze the cause of fire and its prevention for future.

Module-3 PPE 0 hours

PPE, safety guards, Mechanical hazards, workplace hazards, Forklift hazard control Safety while working with machine tools like lathe, drill press, power and band saws, grinding machines. Safety during welding, forging and pressing. Safety while handling Material, compressed gas cylinders, corrosive substance, waste drum and containers.

Case studies:

Visit to machine shop, workshops, foundry lab and local industries to record the practical observation and report the same with relevant figures and comments.

Module-4 Introduction to electrical safety 0 hours

Introduction to electrical safety, Indian standards on electrical safety, Electric hazards, effect of electric current on human body, causes of electrical accidents, prevention of electric accidents, PPE used. Protection systems: Fuse, circuit breakers and overload relays – protection against over voltage and under voltage. Electric shock. Primary and secondary electric shocks, AC and DC current shocks. Safety precautions against shocks. Safety precautions in small and residential building installations. Safety procedures in electric plant.

Case studies:

To visit electrical sub stations, local distribution systems, observe and share the experience and report.

Module-5 Introduction to Chemical safety 0 hours

Introduction to Chemical safety, Labelling of chemicals, acid hoods. Handling of acids, eye washers and showers. Safety thinking, accident investigation, safety policy of the company, safety, loss prevention and control, check list for LPG installations, safety precautions using CNG, fire prevention and safety audit, confined space entry, risk assessment.

Case studies:

To visit chemical laboratory of the college and other chemical industries like LPG , CNG facilities and report.


Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

CO1: Understand the basic safety terms and international standards.

CO2: Identify the hazards and risk analysis around the work environment and industries.

CO3: Use the safe measures while performing work in and around the work area of the available laboratories. Able to recognize the sign boards and its application

CO4: Recognise the types of fires extinguishers and to demonstrate the portable extinguishers used for different classes of fires.

CO5: Report the case studies by sharing experience of the employees working in housekeeping, laboratories like workshops, electrical labs, machine shops, electronics and computer laboratories.

CO6: Recognise the chemical and electrical hazards for its prevention and control.


Question paper pattern:

  • The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
  • Each full question will be for 20 marks.
  • There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
  • Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
  • The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.



1 Industrial Safety and Management L M Deshmukh McGraw Hill Education (India) private Limited ISBN-13: 978-0-07- 061768-1

2 Fire Prevention Hand Book Derek, James Butter Worth’s and Company, London 1986

3 Electrical Safety, fire safety and safety management S.Rao, R K Jain and Saluja Khanna Publishers ISBN: 978- 81-7409- 306-6

4 Industrial health and safety management A.M.Sarma Himalya publishing house

5 Chemical process Industrial safety K S N Raju McGraw Hill Education (India) private Limited. ISBN-13: 978-93-329- 0278-7

6 Environmental engineering Gerard Kiely McGraw Hill Education (India) private Limited ISBN-13: 978-0-07- 063429-9


Reference Books

1 The Environment Act (Protection) 1986 Commercial Law Publishers (India) Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.

2 Water (Prevention and control of pollution) act 1974 Commercial Law publishers (India) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.


  • To visit respective Institution: stores, office, housekeeping area, laboratories.
  • To visit local industries, workshops, district firefighting system facility and local electrical power stations.
Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023