Coal and ash handling, Generation of steam using forced circulation, high and supercritical pressures, LaMount, Benson, Velox, Loeffer, Schmidt steam generators, Cooling towers and Ponds, Accessories such as Superheaters, De-superheater, Economizers, Air preheaters.
Solar Energy:
Introduction, Solar radiation at the earth’s surface, Solar radiation measurements, Flat plate collectors, Focussing collectors, Solar pond, Solar electric power generation-Solar photovoltaics.
Biomass Energy:
Photosynthesis, photosynthetic oxygen production, energy plantation. Bio Chemical Route: Biogas production from organic wastes by anaerobic fermentation, Bio gas plants-KVIC, Janta, Deenbhandu models, factors affecting bio gas generation. Thermal gasification of biomass, updraft and downdraft
Geothermal Energy:
Forms of geothermal energy, Dry steam, wet steam, hot dry rock and magmatic chamber systems.
Tidal Energy:
Tidal power, Site selection, Single basin and double basin systems, Advantages and disadvantages of tidal energy.
Wind Energy:
Wind energy-Advantages and limitations, wind velocity and wind power, Basic components of wind energy conversion systems, horizontal and vertical axis wind mills, coefficient of performance of a wind mill rotor, Applications of wind energy.
Hydroelectric plants:
Advantages & disadvantages of water power, Hydrographs and flow duration curvesnumericals, Storage and pondage, General layout of hydel power plants- components such as Penstock, surge tanks, spill way and draft tube and their applications, pumped storage plants, Detailed classification of hydroelectric plants, water hammer.
Ocean Thermal Energy:
Ocean thermal energy conversion, Principle and working of Rankine cycle, Problems associated with OTEC.
Principles of release of nuclear energy-Fusion and fission reactions. Nuclear fuels used in the reactors, Chain reaction, Moderation, breeding, Multiplication and thermal utilization factors. General components of a nuclear reactor and materials, Brief description-Pressurized water reactor, Boiling water reactor, Sodium graphite reactor, Fast Breeder reactor, Homogeneous graphite reactor and gas cooled reactor, Radiation hazards, Shielding, Nuclear waste, Radioactive waste disposal. C
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO1: Understand the construction and working of steam generators and their accessories.
CO2: Identify renewable energy sources and their utilization.
CO3: Understand principles of energy conversion from alternate sources including wind, geothermal, ocean, biomass, nuclear, hydel and tidal.
Question paper pattern:
1 Power Plant Engineering P. K. Nag Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi Third Edition, 2012.
2 Power Plant Engineering Arora and Domkundwar Dhanpat Rai & Co. (P) Ltd. Sixth Edition, 2012.
3 Non-conventional Sources of Energy G.D.Rai Khanna Publishers, New Delhi Fifth Edition, 2015.
4 Non-conventional energy resources B H Khan McGraw Hill Education 3rd Edition
Reference Books
1 Power Plant Engineering R. K. Rajput Laxmi publication New Delhi
2 Principles of Energy conversion A. W. Culp Jr McGraw Hill 1996
3 Power Plant Technology M.M. EL-Wakil McGraw Hill International 1994
4 Solar Energy: principles of Thermal Collection and Storage S.P. Sukhatme Tata McGraw-Hill 1984