I. Experimental study of Minerals
Physical properties, chemical composition, mode of occurrence, Distribution, identification and uses with reference to mining importance.
Experiment No.01: Quartz, Felspar and Mica Group of Minerals.
Experiment No. 02: Calcite, Magnesite, Ferromagnesium Minerals II. Experimental study of Rocks Physical Properties, Mineral composition, Texture, Petrogenesis, Engineering properties, distribution and uses.
Experiment No. 03: Igneous Rocks.
Experiment No. 04: Sedimentary Rocks.
Experiment No. 05: Metamorphic Rocks.
III Structures Based study of Rocks
Zenolithic, Vesicular, Amygdaloidal, pegmatitic, Stratification, Graded bedding, Current bedding Ripple Marks, Cataclastic, Maculose, Slaty, Schistose, Gneissose, Granulose & Hornfelsic Structures.
Experiment No. 06: Igneous, Sedimentary & Metamorphic Rocks.
IV Experimental study of Geological Maps.
Drawing sections along the profile areas, Interpretations, descriptions on structural features, Order of super position and geological history and concluding the various forms of land mass.
Experiment No. 07: Topographic Maps, Geological Maps, Structural geological maps – Dipping strata.
Experiment No. 08: Structural Geological Maps – Folded strata.
Experiment No. 09: Structural Geological Maps –Faulted strata & Unconformities.
Experiment No. 10: Tracing of Out Crop Maps.