17MNL38 Mining Electrical Engineering Laboratory syllabus for MI

Part A
Unit-1 Measurement of 0 hours

1. Measurement of

a) Resistance by voltmeter and Ammeter method. b) Inductance and Power factor of choke by ammeter voltmeter, wattmeter method.

2. Open circuit characteristics of a D.C. Generator.

3. Load test on shunt generator.

4. Load test on compound generator.

5. Speed control of DC shunt motor.

Part B
Unit-1 Load test on DC shunt motor 0 hours

6. Load test on DC shunt motor

7. O.C. and S.C. test on a single-phase transformer and predetermination of efficiency and regulation.

8. Load test on a single phase Induction motor.

9. Load test on 3-phase Induction motor.

10. Calibration of energy meter.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023