15ML32 Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements syllabus for ML

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Measurements 10 hours

introduction, Significance of measurements, methods ofmeasurements, instruments and measurement systems, Functions ofinstruments and measurement systems, Applications of measurementsystems.
Measurement Errors:
Introduction Gross errors and systematic errors,Absolute and relative errors, basic concepts of accuracy, Precision,Resolution and Significant figures, Measurement error combinations.(relevant problems)

Module-2 Ammeters, Voltmeter and Multimeters 10 hours

A) Ammeters, Voltmeter and Multimeters:
Introduction, DC ammeter principle only, DC voltmeter, Multi-rangevoltmeter, Extending voltmeter ranges, Loading, Peak responding and TrueRMS voltmeters. (relevant problems)
B). Digital Voltmeters:
Introduction, Ramp type, Dual slope integrating type (V–T), integrating type(V–F) and Successive approximation type (relevant problems).
Digital Instruments:
Introduction, Block diagram of a Basic Digital Multimeter.Digital frequency meters: Basic circuit of a Digital frequency meter,Basic circuit for frequency measurement.

Module-3 Oscilloscopes 10 hours

A). Oscilloscopes :
Introduction, Basic principles, CRT features, Blockdiagram and working of each block, Typical CRT connections, Dual beamand dual trace CROs, Electronic switch.
B).Special Oscilloscopes:
Delayed time-base oscilloscopes:
Need for a time delay & delayed-timebasesystem.
Analog storage oscilloscopes:
Need for trace storage, bistable storage CRT,Variable persistence storage CRT.
Digital storage oscilloscopes:
Basic DSO operation only.

Module-4 Signal Generators 10 hours

A). Signal Generators :
Introduction, Fixed and variable AF oscillator, Standard signal generator,Modern laboratory signal generator, AF sine and Square wave generator,Function generator, Square and Pulse generator.
B). Bridge Circuits for Measurement of R, L & C:
DC bridges:
Introduction, Wheatstone’s bridge, Kelvin Bridge
AC bridges:
Capacitance Comparison Bridge, inductance ComparisonBridge, Maxwell’s bridge, Schering Bridge. (relevant problems)

Module-5 Display Devices and Recorders 10 hours

Display Devices and Recorders:
Introduction, electrical indicating instruments, digital instruments, digitaldisplay methods, digital display unit. Segmental Displays: Seven segmentaldisplay, dot matrices, LED, LCD, decade counting assemblies, displaysystems. Recorders: Recording requirements, analog recorders- Graphicrecorders, strip chart recorders & its types, X-Y recorder, Magnetic & Digitaltape recorders.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023