15ML43 Embedded Controllers syllabus for ML

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Microprocessor and Microcontrollers 10 hours

Microprocessor and Microcontrollers:Introduction: Microprocessor and Microcontroller, Microprocessor survey, RISC and CISC, CPU Architecture, Harvard and VonNeumann, CPU Architecture. 8051 Microcontroller Architecture. Pinfunctions organizations Input/ Output pins, ports and circuits. Internal and External memory Architecture. 8051 Reg. banks and stack, 8051 flag bits and PSW Register. Special function Registers. Timer /Counter, Serial data input/ output, Interrupts, program counter and ROM space in the 8051.

Module-2 Addressing modes directives instruction set of 8051 Microcontroller 10 hours

Addressing modes directives instruction set of 8051 Microcontroller. Immediate and Register addressing modes. Accessing memory using various addressing modes. Bit addressing for I/o andRAM 8051 data types and directives. Jump Loop and CALL Instructions Arithmetic and Logic Instructions and programming I/o port programming. Assembly Language programs using various Instructions.

Module-3 8051 programming in C and interfacing 10 hours

8051 programming in C and interfacing. Data types and time delay in 8051 C, I/o programming, Logic operation, data conversion programs, accessing Code ROM Space, data serialization. 8051 interfacing toLCD and key board, DAC, stepper motor, DC Motor, Parallel and serial ADC. Elevator

Module-4 Timer/ Counter, Serial communication and Interrupts in 8051 10 hours

Timer/ Counter, Serial communication and Interrupts in 8051. Programming 8051 timer/ counter, programming timer 0 and 1 in 8051 C, Basics of serial communication, 8051 connections to RS-232. 8051serial port programming in assembly and C. 8051 Interrupts, Programming Timer Interrupts, External hardware Interrupts and serial communication Interrupts. Interrupts priority & Interrupt programmingin C.

Module-5 Introduction to Advanced Microcontrollers 10 hours

Introduction to Advanced Microcontrollers. Salient Features of Advanced Microcontrollers. MSP430F2013 Architecture and pin functions, Memory, Clock Generator, CPU Registers, Addressing modes, Instruction set and emulated Instruction set. Development Environment. Aspects of C for embedded system, Introduction to MSP 430 starter kit, parallel ports

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023