Seaman & their Duties: Ship's Department, General ship knowledge and nautical terms like Poop-Deck, Forecastle, Bridge etc. Navigational lights and Signals Port and Starboard, Forward and aft mast lights, colors and Location. Look out, precautions and bad weather, Flags used on ships, flag etiquette, Morse code and semaphore signaling, sound signals
Survival at Sea: Survival difficulties and factors, equipment available, duties of crew members, initial action on boarding, maintaining the craft.
Rope Knots and Moorings:
Types of Knots, Practice of knot formation, Materials of ropes, strength care and maintenance, use of mooring line, heaving line, Rat guards, canvas and its use. Anchors: Their use, dropping and weighing anchors, cable stopper. Knots, bends and hitches, Ropes splice, Donning of Life Jackets, Life boat drills, Lowering & hoisting of Life boats.
General knowledge of principal stars, sextant, Navigation compasses, Echo Sounder, Log and uses, barometer and weather classification, G.M.T. and zonal time, wireless Navigational Instruments, Radar Satellite- Navigation
Life Boats and Life Rafts:
Construction, Equipment carried, Carrying capacity. Davits and their operation, Launching of Life Rafts (Inflatable type). Embarkation into Lifeboat and Life Raft. Survival Pack, Stowage and securing arrangement. Rescue Boat, Immersion suit, Thermal Protective Aid.
Abandon Ship:
Manning of Lifeboat and Life raft. Muster list, Radio & Alarm signals, Distress signal (S.O.S.), Distress Calls time and Radio frequency, Pyro-techniques.
Conventions and Regulations: Introduction of MARPOL convention and its annexes, Regulatory control towards environmental pollution at sea. Familiarization with SOLAS, STOW conventions, ISPS code and other maritime codes & conventions.