Introduction to Manufacturing Process:
Concept of Manufacturing process, its importance. Classification of Manufacturing processes.
Introduction to Casting process &steps involved. Various components produced by casting process, Advantages & Limitations.
Definition and types.
Sand Moulding:
Binders and Additives: Definition, Need and Types.Types of base sand, requirements of base sand.Types of Sand Moulding.Cores: Definition, Need and Types. Concept of Gating & Risers: Principle and types. Introduction to Die Casting and injection moulding.
Introduction to metal working:
Classification of metal working processes, characteristics of wrought products, advantages and limitations of metalworking processes.
Classification, Forging machines & equipment. Die-design parameters. Forgingdefects, Residual stresses in forging, Applications of forging.
Classification, Types of rolling mills, Defects in rolled products. Rolling variables, Applications of Rolling.
Drawing equipment & dies,drawing variables, Tube drawing,classification of tube drawing, Applications
Types of extrusion processes, extrusion equipment & dies,Extrusion ofseamless tubes, lubrication & defects in extrusion, Extrusion variables, Applications
Sheet & Metal Forming:
Forming methods dies & punches, progressivedie, compound die, combination die. Rubber forming. Open back inclinablepress (OBI press), piercing, blanking, bending, deep drawing, defects of drawn products, stretch forming, Roll bending & contouring, Applications.
Advanced Welding processes:
Classification, Advantages & limitations of welding. Metal Arc welding (MAW), Flux Shielded Metal Arc Welding (FSMAW), Inert Gas Welding (TIG & MIG) Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) and Atomic Hydrogen Welding processes (AHW), Resistance welding, Applications.
Non-traditional Machining Processes:
Need for non-traditional machining, Principle, equipment & operation of Laser Beam, Plasma Arc Machining, Electro Chemical Machining, Ultrasonic Machining, Abrasive Jet Machining, Water Jet Machining, Electron Beam Machining, Electron Discharge Machining and Plasma Arc Machining.
Introducing to CNC machines:
Basics of Turning tool Geometry, ATC, Programming methods. – Manual part programming, Milling, Turning, (Simple Programs), Computer Aided part programming (Simple problems, DNC, Types, Applications, Types of CNC Programming Software’s, Over view CNC machining centers, Turning centre.
Course outcomes:
At the end of this course students will
1. have Fundamental knowledge of casting, forging, rolling ,drawing. Extrusion, Sheet Metal Forming, Advanced Welding Process, Non Traditional Machining process & CNC Machines. [PO: a,]
2. understand the Various Techniques used in casting, forging, rolling ,drawing. Extrusion, Sheet Metal Forming, Advanced Welding Process, Non Traditional Machining process & CNC Machines . [PO: b, g, h, j]
3. 3. applications of various Traditional , Non Traditional manufacturing process & CNC machines [PO: b, g, h, j]
1. Manufacturing Technology, Serope Kalpakjain, Steuen.R.Sechmid, Pearson Education Asia, 5th Ed. 2006.
2. Manufacturing Technology Vol 1&2, PN Rao, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001 NC Machine Programming and Software Design, ChnoHwachang, Michel. A. Melkanoff, Prentice Hall, 1989
1. Process and Materials of Manufacturing, Roy A Lindberg, 4th Ed. Pearson Ed. 2006.
2. Workshop technology, Hazara Choudhry, Vol-I &II, Media Promoters & Publishers Pvt Ltd. 2004.
3. Production technology, HMT, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001.
4. Manufacturing Science, AmitabhGhosh and Mallik, affiliated East West press, 2003.
5. Fundamentals of metal Machining and machine Tools, G. Boothroyd, McGraw Hill. 2000.
6. Automation Production system and Computer Integrated Manufacturing Mikell. O. Grover, PHI, New Delhi, 2002.