Fundamentals of materials science; Structure: Introduction tomicrostructure, and nanostructure; Introduction, importanceand examples for nanomaterials, biomaterials, electronic,optical, and magnetic materials, ceramic and glass materials,composite materials, polymeric materials, metals and alloys;Introduction and applications of modern engineeringmaterials: shape memory materials, chromic materials(thermo, photo, and electro chromic), rheological fluids,metallic glasses, advanced ceramics; Introduction andapplications of Ferroelectricity and ferroelectric materials,Piezoelectricity and piezoelectric materials, pyro-electricmaterials.
Introduction; Measurement of electrical resistivity; Electricalconductivity: conductors, semiconductors, and insulators;Electronic conduction: energy band structures in solids, bandand atomic bonding models (for metals, semiconductors, andinsulators), drift velocity and electron mobility, factorsinfluencing electrical resistivity of metals, intrinsicsemiconduction, extrinsic semiconduction (n-type and p-type),carrier mobility, Hall effect; Semiconductor devices: rectifierand p-n rectifying junction (forward, and reverse bias),transistor, junction transistor and MOSFET; Conduction in ionicmaterials; Dielectric behaviour: Introduction to electric dipole,capacitance, polarization (electronic, ionic, and orientation);Supper conductors and their applications.
Absorbance and Transmittance: Introduction andmeasurement of absorbance by absorbance spectroscopy;Index of refraction and Abbe’s refractometer; Birefringenceand birefrigent materials; Photosensitivity, Photoconductivity,and Photoresistivity; Reflectance and reflectivity, Scattering(Rayleigh, Mie, and geometric) and their applications;Luminescence: types and applications; Fluorescence and itsapplications; Photonic Materials: principle, and deviceconstruction; Liquid crystals and liquid crystal display:molecular orientations, sensitivity to electric field, LCDconstruction, operation; Photoconducting materials:photoconductive device, construction, materials used, andapplications; Photodetectors: characteristics, charged coupleddevice; Photonic crystals: classification and applications.
Thermal Properties: Introduction; Heat capacity: specific,molar, and volume heat capacity, factors affecting specificheat capacity; Thermal expansion: factors affecting thermalexpansion, coefficient of thermal expansion, importance, andapplications of thermal expansion property (bimetal, andmercury-in-glass thermometer); Thermal conductivity:Fourier’s law, thermal conductance, resistance, transmittance,and admittance, factors affecting thermal conductance.Magnetic Properties: Magnetic materials, angular momentum;definitions of magnetic dipole, dipole moment, flux, fluxdensity, field strength, magnetization, susceptibility,permeability, relative permeability, Bohr Magneon;Classification of magnetic materials:diamagnetic,paramagnetic, ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, andferrimagnetic materials; Hard and soft magnetic materials:comparison, properties and applications; Introduction andapplications of Garnets, Magnetoplumbites, Magnetic bubbles,and Magnetic thin films; Spintronics and devices: OMR, GMR,TMR, CMR, advantages, and applications.
Defects and Imperfections: Point defects: vacancies,interstitialcy, Schottky defect, Frankel defect, and impuritydefects; Line defects: edge dislocation, screw dislocation,Burger’s vector, cross slip of a screw dislocation, climb of anedge dislocation; Surface imperfections: grain boundary, tiltboundary, twin boundary.Mechanical Property of Materials: Mechanism of elasticaction; UTM: Components; Tensile strength, and compressionstrength: Introduction, concept, testing procedure;Engineering stress and strain, true stress and strain, linear andnon-linear elastic properties; Relationship betweenengineering strain and true strain, engineering stress and truestress; Hardness: Brinell, and Rockwell hardness tests;Fracture: ductile and brittle fracture; Fatigue: mechanism offatigue; Creep: various stages of creep; Impact strength: Izodand Charpy impact strength tests.