17PCL38 Geology Laboratory syllabus for PC

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Laboratory Experiments 0 hours

Minimum of 10 experiments are to be conducted

1. Describe and Identify the minerals based on their physical, special properties, chemical composition and uses

2. Study of important rock forming minerals , ores and other  important industrial minerals

3. Describe and Identify the rocks of their physical properties

4. Study of geological maps and their sections

5. Calculation of True and Apparent Dip

6. Borehole problems

7. Estimation of Thickness, Distance and Depth of the ore body

8. Study of symmetry elements and crystal systems of crysta models

9. Sand – Silt – Clay ratio estimation. 

10. Grain – Size analysis.

11. Estimation of Throw and Nature of the fault.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023