15ECL38 Digital Electronics Lab syllabus for TE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 0 hours

1. Verify
(a) Demorgan’s Theorem for 2 variables.
(b) The sum-of product and product-of-sum expressionsusing universal gates.

Module-2 0 hours

2. Design and implement
(a) Full Adder using basic logic gates.
(b) Full subtractor using basic logic gates.

Module-3 0 hours

Design and implement 4-bit Parallel Adder/ subtractorusing IC 7483.

Module-4 0 hours

Design and Implementation of 4-bit MagnitudeComparator using IC 7485.

Module-5 0 hours

5. Realize
(a) 4:1 Multiplexer using gates.
(b) 3-variable function using IC 74151(8:1MUX).

Module-6 0 hours

Realize 1:8 Demux and 3:8 Decoder using IC74138.

Module-7 0 hours

Realize the following flip-flops using NAND Gates.(a) Clocked SR Flip-Flop (b) JK Flip-Flop.

Module-8 0 hours

Realize the following shift registers using IC7474
(a) SISO
(b) SIPO
(c) PISO

Module-9 0 hours

Realize the Ring Counter and Johnson Counter usingIC7476.

Module-10 0 hours

Realize the Mod-N Counter using IC7490

Module-11 0 hours

Simulate Full- Adder using simulation tool.

Module-12 0 hours

Simulate Mod-8 Synchronous UP/DOWN Counter usingsimulation tool.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023