15TE744 Cryptography syllabus for TE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Basic Concepts of Number Theory and Finite Fields 8 hours

Basic Concepts of Number Theory and Finite Fields: Divisibility and the divisibility algorithm, Euclidean algorithm, Modular arithmetic, Groups, Rings and Fields, Finite fields of the form GF(p), Polynomial arithmetic, Finite fields of the form GF(2n)(Text 1: Chapter 3)

Module-2 Classical Encryption Techniques 8 hours

Classical Encryption Techniques: Symmetric cipher model, Substitution techniques, Transposition techniques, Steganography (Text 1: Chapter 1)


SYMMETRIC CIPHERS: Traditional Block Cipher structure, Data Encryption Standard (DES) (Text 1: Chapter 2: Section1, 2)

Module-3 SYMMETRIC CIPHERS 8 hours

SYMMETRIC CIPHERS: The AES Cipher. (Text 1: Chapter 4: Section 2, 3, 4)


Pseudo-Random-Sequence Generators and Stream Ciphers: Linear Congruential Generators, Linear Feedback Shift Registers, Design and analysis of stream ciphers, Stream ciphers using LFSRs (Text 2: Chapter 16: Section 1, 2, 3, 4)

Module-4 More number theory 8 hours

More number theory: Prime Numbers, Fermat’s and Euler’s theorem, Primality testing, Chinese Remainder theorem, discrete logarithm. (Text 1: Chapter 7)


Principles of Public-Key Cryptosystems: The RSA algorithm, Diffie - Hellman Key Exchange, Elliptic Curve Arithmetic, Elliptic Curve Cryptography (Text 1: Chapter 8, Chapter 9: Section 1, 3, 4)

Module-5 One-Way Hash Functions 8 hours

One-Way Hash Functions: Background, Snefru, N-Hash, MD4, MD5, Secure Hash Algorithm [SHA],One way hash functions using symmetric block algorithms, Using public key algorithms, Choosing a one-way hash functions, Message Authentication Codes. Digital Signature Algorithm, Discrete Logarithm Signature Scheme (Text 2: Chapter 18: Section 18.1 to 18.5, 18.7, 18.11 to 18.14 and Chapter 20: Section 20.1, 20.4)

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023