15TEL76 Advanced Communication Lab syllabus for TE

Part A
Unit-1 Laboratory Experiments 3 hours

PART-A: Following Experiments No. 1 to 4 has to be performed using discrete components.

1. Time Division Multiplexing and Demultiplexing of two bandlimited signals.


2. ASK generation and detection


3. FSK generation and detection


4. PSK generation and detection


5. Measurement of frequency, guide wavelength, power, VSWR and attenuation in microwave test bench.


6. Measurement of directivity and gain of microstrip dipole and Yagi antennas.


7. Determination of

a. Coupling and isolation characteristics of microstrip directional coupler.

b. Resonance characteristics of microstrip ring resonator and computation of dielectric constant of the substrate.

c. Power division and isolation of microstrip power divider.


8. Measurement of propagation loss, bending loss and numerical aperture of an optical fiber.

Part B
Unit-2 Simulation Experiments using SCILAB/MATLAB/Simulink or LabView 3 hours

PART-B: Simulation Experiments using SCILAB/MATLAB/Simulink or LabView

1. Simulate NRZ, RZ, half-sinusoid and raised cosine pulses and generate eye diagram for binary polar signaling.


2. Simulate the Pulse code modulation and demodulation system and display the waveforms.


3. Simulate the QPSK transmitter and receiver. Plot the signals and its constellation diagram.


4. Test the performance of a binary differential phase shift keying system by simulating the non-coherent detection of binary DPSK.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023