17EC34 Digital Electronics syllabus for TE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Principles of combination logic 10 hours

Principles of combination logic: Definition of combinational logic, canonical forms, Generation of switching equations from truth tables, Karnaugh maps-3,4,5 variables, Incompletely specified functions (Don‘t care terms) Simplifying Max term equations, Quine-McCluskey minimization technique, Quine-McCluskey using don‘t care terms, Reduced prime implicants Tables (Text 1, Chapter 3). L1, L2, L3

Module-2 Analysis and design of combinational logic 10 hours

Analysis and design of combinational logic: General approach to combinational logic design, Decoders, BCD decoders, Encoders, digital multiplexers, Using multiplexers as Boolean function generators, Adders and subtractors, Cascading full adders, Look ahead carry, Binary comparators (Text 1, Chapter 4). L1, L2, L3

Module-3 Flip-Flops 10 hours

Flip-Flops: Basic Bistable elements, Latches, Timing considerations, The master-slave flip-flops (pulse-triggered flip-flops): SR flip-flops, JK flip-flops, Edge triggered flipflops, Characteristic equations. (Text 2, Chapter 6) L1, L2

Module-4 Simple Flip-Flops Applications 10 hours

Simple Flip-Flops Applications: Registers, binary ripple counters, synchronous binary counters, Counters based on shift registers, Design of a synchronous counters, Design of a synchronous mod-n counter using clocked T , JK , D and SR flip-flops. (Text 2, Chapter 6) L1,L2, L3

Module-5 Sequential Circuit Design 10 hours

Sequential Circuit Design: Mealy and Moore models, State machine notation, Synchronous Sequential circuit analysis, Construction of state diagrams, counter design. (Text 1, Chapter 6) L1, L2, L3

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023