17EC45 Linear Integrated Circuits syllabus for TE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Operational Amplifier Fundamentals 10 hours

Operational Amplifier Fundamentals:

Basic Op-amp circuit, Op-Amp parameters – Input and output voltage, CMRR and PSRR, offset voltages and currents, Input and output impedances, Slew rate and Frequency limitations.


OP-Amps as DC Amplifiers –

Biasing OP-amps, Direct coupled voltage followers, Non-inverting amplifiers, inverting amplifiers, Summing amplifiers, and Difference amplifiers. Interpretation of OP-amp LM741 & TL081 datasheet.

Module-2 Op-Amps as AC Amplifiers 10 hours

Op-Amps as AC Amplifiers:

Capacitor coupled voltage follower, High input impedance – Capacitor coupled voltage follower, Capacitor coupled non inverting amplifiers, High input impedance – Capacitor coupled Non inverting amplifiers, Capacitor coupled inverting amplifiers, setting the upper cut-off frequency, Capacitor coupled difference amplifier.


OP-Amp Applications:

Voltage sources, current sources and current sinks, current amplifiers, instrumentation amplifier, precision rectifiers.

Module-3 More Applications 10 hours

More Applications :

Limiting circuits, Clamping circuits, Peak detectors, Sample and hold circuits, V to I and I to V converters, Differentiating Circuit, Integrator Circuit, Phase shift oscillator, Wien bridge oscillator, Crossing detectors, inverting Schmitt trigger. (Text 1) Log and antilog amplifiers, Multiplier and divider. (Text2)

Module-4 Active Filters 10 hours

Active Filters:

First order and second order active Low-pass and high pass filters, Bandpass Filter, Bandstop Filter. (Text 1)


Voltage Regulators:

Introduction, Series Op-amp regulator, IC voltage regulators. 723 general purpose regulators. (Text 2)

Module-5 Phase locked loop 10 hours

Phase locked loop:

Basic Principles, Phase detector/comparator, VCO.


DAC and ADC convertor:

DAC using R-2R, ADC using Successive approximation.


Other IC Application:

555 timer, Basic timer circuit, 555 timer used as astable and monostable multivibrator. (Text 2)


Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:

  • Explain Op-Amp circuit and parameters including CMRR, PSRR, Input & Output Impedances and Slew Rate.
  • Design Op-Amp based Inverting, Non-inverting, Summing & Difference Amplifier, and AC Amplifiers including Voltage Follower.
  • Test circuits of Op-Amp based Voltage/ Current Sources & Sinks, Current, Instrumentation and Precision Amplifiers.
  • Test circuits of Op-Amp based linear and non-linear circuits comprising of limiting, clamping, Sample & Hold, Differentiator/ Integrator Circuits, Peak Detectors, Oscillators and Multiplier & Divider.
  • Design first & second order Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass, Band Stop Filters and Voltage Regulators using Op-Amps.
  • Explain applications of linear ICs in phase detector, VCO, DAC, ADC and Timer.


Text Books:

1. ―Operational Amplifiers and Linear IC‘s‖, David A. Bell, 2nd edition, PHI/Pearson, 2004. ISBN 978-81-203-2359-9.

2. ―Linear Integrated Circuits‖, D. Roy Choudhury and Shail B. Jain, 4thedition, Reprint 2006, New Age International ISBN 978-81-224-3098-1.


Reference Books:

1. Ramakant A Gayakwad, ―Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits‖, Pearson, 4th Ed, 2015. ISBN 81-7808-501-1.

2. B Somanathan Nair, ―Linear Integrated Circuits: Analysis, Design & Applications,‖ Wiley India, 1st Edition, 2015.

3. James Cox, ―Linear Electronics Circuits and Devices‖, Cengage Learning, Indian Edition, 2008, ISBN-13: 978-07-668-3018-7.

4. Data Sheet: http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tl081.pdf.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023